Never ending bleeding, all treatments make it worse
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Hello. I am 49 years old and appear to be in perimenopause. Unfortunately, instead of my periods becoming less frequent, they are becoming more frequent and lasting longer. The first treatment my doctor tried was to put me on the pill. Instead of keeping it away, my period started a few days after starting, progressively getting worse until it was continuously gushing out of me. I had to stop or risk needing a transfusion. I only lasted 6 weeks.
Next, she tried a shot of depo provero that was supposed to last for 3 months. My period stopped for 2 weeks (a record for me since this started) but then started again. It isn't heavy like on the pill but it hasn't stopped. That was nearly 3 months ago. It's a steady bleed that runs all day, all night 24/7 without letting up. I've been back to the doctor but she can't do anything more until this shot has worn off so I have an appointment in the first week of January.
When I was in last she talked about other options including another pill, the mirena, and other hormone-based treatments. Honestly, these hormones don't seem to work for me. I'm pretty sure she won't even consider me for a hysterectomy until she's run the gambit of all other possible treatments.
I can't continue living like this . I cry all the time. It's hard to work and my relationship with my husband is suffering. I can't talk to anyone because it is shameful. I'm terrified to take another hormone in case it affects me like the pill did. On the other hand maybe if something like that happens they'll give me an emergency hysterectomy and end this hell for good.
Other than this I have no other symptoms (other than fatique and dehydration). No hot flashes (actually I am chilled all the time), cramps or anything.
Please help!
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cathyb66 wendy82992
Hi Wendy , similar to you my body doesn't seem to like the pill. I didn't have hot flushes either but did get horrible period pains and chunks of blood coming out. Again relationship has been strained but he saw how many doctor visits o had and understood. I've had 2 merina's done , the 1st one did nothing except rid me of the pain but actually bled more. Gynae took me back in after a scan showed it was not inserted correctly
while I was under GA she performed an ablation of the womb lining (laser to stop the bleeding). That was July 2016. Since then I still bleed every 28 days but no pain. Can you ask your GP to refer you to a gynae ?
wendy82992 cathyb66
Thanks for your reply. Doc has already put in a referral but unless you are pregnant or dying, you get stuck on a waiting list so that's where I am. I'm leary of the merina for reasons you describe and also that it ultimately is a hormone-based treatment and my body doesn't respond to hormones the way it is supposed to. If it makes things worse, there's nothing I can do about it except make an appointment to get it removed (or go to ER). That's where I'm sitting with this 3-month treatment. At least with the pill - as bad as it was - I was able to stop it myself.
caroline114 wendy82992
wendy82992 caroline114
Thanks. I had a couple of ultraasounds and they found a very small fibroid but they don't think it is responsible. It could cause bleeding but it doesn't explain why hormones do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. I still want to fight for a hysterectomy and I hope I don't have to wait for the gynae. The only way I can see getting an emergency gynae appointment is if I bleed so badly I need a transfusion. Maybe I should take the rest of those pills I still have.