Never ending neck tension

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Hello everyone, I have horrible neck tension or strain. I have had it everyday for months. Does anyone else get this?

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43 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I had it really bad for three months last year at this time.  I finally found that gelatin relieves it.  It drove me crazy, I could barely move my neck.  I felt like all my glands were swollen or something.  It was strange, and it really hurt to massage.  Not sure if it is the same as what you have but I must say I have had almost every symptom mentioned on here in the past 4 years EXCEPT the intnese hot flashes.  i get warm,but not like I have fire inside as some explain lol!

    Hope you feel better soon.  you can look up the gelatin cure on google

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for you response. It does hurt to massage. It feels like a pinched nerve on my collar bone at times. Goes to my jaw too! I will look up the gelatin cure. I have had a few symptoms myself. No hot flashes for me either. Hopefully we can skip that part lol! Thanks again. I hope that you are having a good day smile

    • Posted

      gelatin is great for most of what ails us in so many ways.  You would be best to google it.  It helps a wide range of things.  You can also make bone broth it is where gelatin comes from. 
  • Posted

    Yes..  I had this....  Thought it was something serious as there were other symptoms but the MRI came back clear..   I guess mine was due to stress.  I stretched it out a lot and went to the pool to release the tension..  The heating pad help also..
    • Posted

      Hi Kelly I have been suffering with this for awhile. Everyday ugh! I will try the heating pad. Thank you!
    • Posted

      Also, there are heated neck massagers....  X-mas is around the ccorner so I see many are out in the stores..  Could help.. If you can try getting into a pool or hottub..  I believe this really helped me as I was carrying all that tension in the neck area.   Best of luck!!
    • Posted

      Hi Kelly what a great idea on the heated neck massagers. Im definitely going to get one of those. Thank you so much! Hope your doing well smile

  • Posted

    Yes. Neck and shoulder on right side. Plus right arm!

    Had terrible pains for years. Tried NHS acupuncture and physio but didn't work.

    Am off to Dr again, to find another solution rather than painkillers and rubs, which don't work either!

    Could do with a weekly neck and shoulder massage.

    • Posted

      Hi Janeben, the tension goes down my right arm as well. Its a miserable feeling. I dont like taking pills either so I just suffer through it sad I am getting tired of it though. I hope that you are able to get some relief soon. Thank you for your response.

  • Posted

    Yes I have the same, it's been 5 months for me, stubborn pain inthe back left part of my neck and sometimes right shoulder sad

    • Posted

      Hi LM, 5 months?! Geez! Im getting close to that. Hopefully this isnt a forever issue. Does it ever hurt on your collar bone? I feel like someone is pinching my collar bone area at times. Ugh! I hope that you feel better soon! Thank you for your response.
    • Posted

      Nothing in the collar bone, it's like a whiplash in my left side or like if I slept bad, I don't know its hard to explain but is not going away 😑 sometimes it feels is part of me now lol hope you get better soon!

    • Posted

      Are you sure u haven't pulled a muscle in known to your self and the pain is travelling.

    • Posted

      Sounds like tendonitis. The tendons in my neck and shoulder are so tight you could play them like a guitar!rolleyeslol

    • Posted

      Lol I know how you feel. I dont know what it is like to be without pain daily. One day we will get through it smile Hope you are having a good day

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle, not that I remember, but I had a very stressful situation in june and it was when I noticed the pain starting... the shoulder is not as constant as my neck, I know I should exercise but I am procrastinating that 😝

    • Posted

      Bobbysgirl, maybe it is because back when the pain started I could hear my tendons popping, mu husband says is the position I use when I am checking my phone or reading in my nook...maybe is both lol

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