Never ending symptoms

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im so so tired of all these endless horrible symptoms, every day it's something - so depressing and so hard to cope, does anyone get tingling in different areas, hands, face, so exhausting.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey you. Long time no speak smile sorry ur still feeling rubbish. Yes I get the tingling. I have convinced myself I've got MS or the early warning signs of a stroke. My left arm is the worst. Sometimes my face cheek and others just random areas like my toes?? Odd!!! I've had a horrendous ear infection and went temporarily but completely deaf in my left ear. I went to a walk in centre in our town and the GP was lovely. He gave me a spray and I felt better and my hearing returned within 4 days. He advised me to go back to my regular docs and asked to be referred to an ENT consultant because he said my other symptoms sound l meniere's disease which I've thought I've got for a while now. Anyway I've stumbled upon a combination of vitamins that seem to be easing my symptoms, B12 spray every morning (4 times), iron water in my fruit juice whilst I'm at work and a vitamin D tab after my evening meal. The dreaded P hasn't been as heavy and draining this month and I only fell asleep on the bus once on the way home this week haha xx
    • Posted

      Hi Donna so sorry you've been suffering so much, sounds like me with your symptoms, especially with the ear problems and it's awful just awful. Ive had two trips to hospital lately, first with an ear infection and that was a total nightmare for me as im totally hospital / medic phobic, any instruments freak me out - only have to look at a doctor and almost pass out, the second was a  massive panic attack and stayed overnight as I was totally convinced I was having a heart attack - has chest X-ray, ECG, everything and all clear, so why don't I believe them. I might give the vitamins a go if it helps you it might help me.......thanks v much for that, and yes I think ive got something horrid too as my face and cheekbone tingles most of the time, what is iron water ? Xx
    • Posted

      I'll PM you the details. The admin's might go into meltdown if I dare help someone by advocating the name of a brand on here 😂 xx
    • Posted

      hi donna, could you send me details of iron water also in a pm.  thanks!
  • Posted

    Lou I get them daily ,Im on HRT 4 weeks now ,I get it hands ,feet ,plus I get aches like you wouldn't believe ,like its on going flu , but Im on a BP med ,now also waiting to go and get a thyroid scan. So for me it can be any one of these . Fed up not feeling well , can't go through a day without a nap , so not me . 
    • Posted

      oh gosh poor you - im on thyroxine for under active thyroid but not HRT as I get migraines, ive had total hysterectomy now and surgical menopause is absoloute hell - it will be three years in October and I can honestly say it's getting no better on any level, just worse - like you im so tired of always feeling so ill, every days just an effort to get up and do anything, everything creaks and crunches , so damm depressing x
    • Posted

      You have thyroid as well , that's not good either , Im sure it's a combination of few things going on at same time ,this is why we can never nail it down so to speak . I want to rollout of bed where I seize up overnight . Tired like I've been up all night ,even though I get 7/8 hrs every night straight when tinnitus allows . Like we're all juggling to many health balls in the air . I've heard often women who've had hysterectomy ,wish they hadn't ,but if health requires it to be done ,well your stuffed well and truly to end up feeling worse off . I don't get hot flushes Hoorah for that , small mercy . We just get through each day as best we can ,case of having to . I never thought I'd go on HRT ,but proves can never say never . I don't get depressed ,more anxiety if anything has been my nightmare with it all 10 yrs and counting . x 
  • Posted

    I do. In my feet, hands, sides of face sometimes. Its is truly annoying.
    • Posted

      Oh no ! It's so awful isn't it - what on earth is it this awful tingly things n the face, it's horrible and it goes into my nose sometimes aswell, makes me thinks all sorts of horrid things , always freaking out with dread and fear it's really upsetting and unsettling.
    • Posted

      I especially hate when my lips do it. Then I get anxious. Never ending cycle.
    • Posted

      Yes me too, I get it in my lips aswell - I feel for you I know exactly how you feel 😁
  • Posted

    Yes, in arms, feet, legs, and hands. Ringing in ears too. Muscle pains and aches, ugh! When does it end? 

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