New Another new symptom
Posted , 9 users are following.
i pretty much have a new symptom every day, but now im dealing with heart burn never had it in my life . can any ladies give me some advice on natural remedies
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Posted , 9 users are following.
i pretty much have a new symptom every day, but now im dealing with heart burn never had it in my life . can any ladies give me some advice on natural remedies
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Guest Pamwhid
Try warm water with half a lemon squeezed in first thing in the AM before eating anything. It will help alkaline your stomach. Cut out coffee, black tea, chocolate, alcohol, spice, mint, and google foods that are alkaline (good) and acidic (bad). Stay away from PPI's like nexium.
Pamwhid Guest
Thank you - its weird because i woke up this weekend with congestion and now i have mucus in my thrOAT and thats when the heartburn came on its not bad - but thats all i can think about have i total health anxiety so now i feel like my throat is weird
Jaynie12 Guest
ive been on nexium for 2 years. i only had to take it every 2 days now its everydsy and it doesnt seem to work anymore. what is a ppi??
staci88515 Pamwhid
Chew gum...saliva is a natural remedy.
Guest Pamwhid
I suffer from heartburn quite a bit and have found that slippery elm and dgl licorice helps. Both are easily found at a vitamin store if you have one near you or on line. The dgl you chew and the slippery elm you swallow.
I also sip marshmallow tea which coats the stomach and the esosphagus.
Hope that helps!
rebecca_68782 Guest
I also use slippery elm. It works for me. I take Pepcid or Pepto when it is really bad for two weeks. I don't drink alcohol or caffeine, as it makes it so much worse. 😃
Thank you for your advice. i want to know can mucus in your throat cause mild heart burn