New Doctor and her opinion on supplements
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Went to a new women’s doctor today who was very expensive but oh so worth it.
Turns out I too cannot handle progesterone so going on estrogen only for a few months . I have 0 yes that is zero ! Estrogen .
No wonder I feel so awful !!
Anyway I took all my supplements that I’ve spent many $$$ on and she basically said no amount of supplements can replace estrogen .
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Sochima822 lori93950
She's right, no supplement can replace estrogen. It's great when you find a doctor who knows what all this is about. Hope it all works out for you. xxoo
lori93950 Sochima822
Sochima822 lori93950
Yes, I've paid that much before but then she wanted to do an ultrasound. That little number was going to cost me about $2700.00! I said no thanks and goodbye!
lori93950 Sochima822
mauiblue lori93950
DHEA is another adrenal hormone that is also good for helping raise the endorphins.
im starting on this one now..i cant give up either.
onward and upward. keep me posted
lori93950 mauiblue
Hi Mauiblue !
I think mine is Mylan? Not sure if you’ve heard of that or what is the name of the one you want ? Yes she said DHEA is good but I have absolutely no estrogen ... I’m a walking corpse 🤣 basically so no amount of supplements can make up for that .
Yes I have to pay out of pocket 😖 but getting stable first priority I’ll just have to cut costs elsewhere .
All this should be FREE to women ! They spay animals for free nowadays but don’t help women ? My appt was $500 😩
mauiblue lori93950
You arent alone Lori. I have NO ESTROGEN as well. Zippo
Yes its like being a walking corpse. I hate that im a shell of my former self, its so demeaning, demoralizing. I had it going on 2 yrs ago, even whilst in peri i was a go go go person.
I have a good feeling about your doc will get squared away and when you do, let me know what you did !
lori93950 mauiblue
Was cringing whilst writing the check . Heard good things about estrogen patch only then adding progesterone every 3 months ..... we’ll see. I’m definitely better off the bloody combo patch ... that’s dangerous stuff !!
mauiblue lori93950
2chr2015 lori93950
lori93950 2chr2015
Azzumi lori93950
She is absolutely correct. When your hormones are that out of balance no supps or diet or exercise can fix them. Only replacing the hormones correctly will help. You are extremely lucky to have found a doctor who has the knowledge and care to help you. I found one too and he has saved me. I'm extremely fit and lean and my diet is close to perfect but when I entered peri it made no difference at all. I suffered from extreme mood problems that have only been helped with bio identical hormones. Only advice I can give is just be patient and things will turn around.
Good luck!!
olive8 lori93950
That's exactly what my doctor told me am trying hard to keep taking estriol.