New medication

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I finally saw the doctor, yesterday, who prescribed me clonidine for anxiety/insomnia.  I'm a mental health professional, so I know this is not the ideal medication for my problem.  She also ran a ton of blood tests, so I should get those back soon.  I'm just concerned for her seemingly lack of knowledge about perimenopause.

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11 Replies

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    Jackie, its not surprising reg the doctors lack of knowledge. Even my gyn was not (or appeared not to be) very knowledgeable or interested in listening to my complains about menopausal problems as soon as she heard that I did not have hot flashes. That seems to be the only one that they think is the "main" symptom....all else was like - yeah, you have to deal with it. 

    It seems like no one talks about it even though almost every other woman seem to suffer from some symptom or the other, and no one seem to care how much we suffer! 

    I wish there was any way one could spread awareness and scream regarding the suffering....

    • Posted

      sad yes to both and a few more! Dont know what to do and how/where to get help. I have started getting tummy issues as well. Again, its not stomach pain or even IBS, but discomfort that goes away after some time. When it appears, I decide, tomorrow I will call the doctors office and book an appointment, but come morning, its gone again, and I dont want to make a big deal about it. And so the cycle continues.

      My main issues are odd aches and pains, anxiety, sleeplessness (I am anyway a night owl, but still...) stretched nerves and of late, tummy issues. 

      I am a little scared to go the HRT route, and as I am already overweight, dont want to even have the possibility of being even more heavier. Had lots and lots of tests done for heart, blood work, pap smear, ultrasound and even biopsy for cysts, but everything was fine. But still the symptoms and anxiety goes on! sad

    • Posted

      what do you do for the anxiety? it is debilitating. :-( Im thinking of trying the Prozac that my doctor mentioned. Are you on any antidepressants?
    • Posted

      Because the anxiety is due to hormones, I dont take any medicines... Im very concerned about getting hooked on any meds. I just try breathing exercises (you can find hundreds of different kinds on Youtube) and listen to calming, relaxing music (sound of rain/sea with music works best for me). This I have found to be very helpful before bedtime. 

      Not sure if it works, but do consider these before going the tablet way... Hope it helps!

  • Posted

    Hi Jackie, I haven’t found any doctors with much knowledge on the topic either.  I’ve found a lot of nurses understand though.   I agree with you on’s a blood pressure med I believe.  A family member was prescribed that for anxiety and hyper activity , it was not helpful.  I take Lexapro.  If you know better...just tell your doctor what you would like to try...they’ll have you try a hundred different things otherwise 🙄

  • Posted

    All doctors think menopause is hot flushes and a moody female , they never see it as very debilitating at times. It really does put a stop to your life and frustrates that GPS and others are not very knowledgeable about this, and lack empathy when talking to you . I feel like I’m the only women that’s ever been to my doctors with menopause...I’m struggling today with pain in my forearms and shoulders had it weeks anyone else ???? 
    • Posted

      OMG Clare! You are describing me wrt pain in forearms and shoulders. I have added to that, pain in the nape of my neck! I am so frustrated that no one seem to know how to deal with menopause / peri issues that women have. 

      Like you I too feel that the doctors dont take (I have been to 3 different, 2 that were OB-gyn) the symptoms seriously and / or understand how it impacts our everyday life. We (atleast I) are asking for a 100% perfect health, but the least we can get is some answers and someone that knows a little more than what we have found by trial and error on the net. How is it that I seem to know more about the meno symptoms and possible ways of dealing with it than the doctors that have gone to school for gods sake?!?!

      But till that time it gets the attention this deserves, I guess we will have to help each other out!

  • Posted

    It is used for hot flushes so if that was a problem along with the anxiety/insomnia, perhaps stating simple before moving onto something more sedating?
  • Posted

    I will fight against taking antidepressants or such kind of medication when I realize that my problem is due to hormones!

    I don’t understand really that kind of thinking!

    Our depression is hormonal not psychological! What the hell is going on with all these idiot docs? 

    I had a really difficult day today after a discussion I had yesterday with my pharmacist. She told me that the hormones I take is not for long, we talked about risks etc and today I feel in panic. My health anxiety is uncontrollable and I will visit my gyn again tomorrow morning. The guy is really so helpful and understanding! I visit him very often just for reassuring. 

    Try to find someone who knows! It is important! 💐

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