New one for me!

Posted , 9 users are following.

Has anyone ever had...ok bare with me here on this description....a weird tingling but yet NOT QUITE tingling in their hands? Almost like- if you hold your phone too long, or sit with your hand in one position too long it feels “off”? I know that sounds crazy lol

They’re not “actually” “fully” “tingly”, that’s the weird thing. But yet- feel like they’re going to be, if anyone can make any sense out of that nonsense at ALL lol

Almost a small amount of pain, and just like everything else in our lives right now....WEIRD! 

I know I’m ovulating, because I felt the pain earlier. And a few of my other “middle month”, as I call it, symptoms. 

But this one is new.

I’m pretty sure I’ve read about this from other women on here but would love to hear any of your personal detailed descriptions of what you’ve felt with that.

Thanks in advance everyone! 

As always, more than thankful for all of you and this forum! 

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    yes ma'am, hands and feet. also feels like my right shoulder tries to lock up at times.🙄

  • Posted

    Hi str8tfans

    Yes, I have had this too. For me it's kind of a cold sensation, feels almost like it's starting to rain (like really fine raindrops) on my arms and hands. It's a weird sensation, not numb but a bit dead, tingly, painy weirdness. I wish I could explain it lol. I usually just get everything moving, I rotate my shoulders, flex my elbows and wrists and it does pass smile x

    • Posted

      Y’all are awesome thanks for replying! 

      Sassy your description is spot on, “not numb but a bit dead tingly painy weirdness” LOL! 

      It’s so freaky. I keep thinking....hmmm....should THIS be the time I go to the ER? Lol

      But knowing I’m ovulating and that there’s nothing else wrong (I use the word “nothing” LOSELY! Lol) I just decided to post here and see if anyone understood my description.

      What you said is literally exactly it. 

      Not numb...but yeah 

      Not “quite” tingly...but yeah

      Not “actual” pain...but yeah 

      Lol unbelievable. What next 

      Thank you! 💕

    • Posted

      Great, glad I could help and you can see that you're not nuts.... Or we are all as nutty as each other! My hubby thinks I'm obsessed with the weather, I'm always saying 'is it picking to rain?!' lol xx

  • Posted

    Hi there....ive had simular in my an internal feeling in my nerves and as times it felt itchy.....but you cannot scratch...slight pain but it comes and goes...not so much now. CK
    • Posted

      Hi Carol, that feeling makes me crazy...feels like someone is touching you, but they are not...creepy! 
  • Posted

    Hi i hav that almost everyday an especially wen am ovulating..noting much we can do but pray its over with quickly
  • Posted

    Hello, yes...Mine felt like little bees vibrating.  Also, my left foot use to buzz, like a cell phone.  Sometimes at night, 1 finger will fall asleep or I would lose feeling in my foot. Pins and needles, etc. These were early symptoms for me and my dr at the time had me screened for MS.  All clear.  That happened to me after stopping long term BCP use.  Dr didn’t believe it. I know better now...  It is our circulation due to hormones.  I am on an AD now, and barely notice that now. Great being a woman! 
  • Posted

    Hello, yes...Mine felt like little bees vibrating.  Also, my left foot use to buzz, like a cell phone.  Sometimes at night, 1 finger will fall asleep or I would lose feeling in my foot. Pins and needles, etc. These were early symptoms for me and my dr at the time had me screened for MS.  All clear.  That happened to me after stopping long term BCP use.  Dr didn’t believe it. I know better now...  It is our circulation due to hormones.  I am on an AD now, and barely notice that now. Great being a woman! 
  • Posted

    Yes...   I think when I drive a lot the day before, I can feel it..    I know I grind my teeth at night so it's possible that I clenched my hands at night too..  Had thought  about sleeping with a support brace to see if that helps.

    • Posted

      Hi kelly would u say u get lock jaw? I hav been experiencing a weird feeling in my face an then a strain to speak cause my mouth cannot open . Its stiff.
  • Posted

    When I complained of this symptom to my doctor he had me do a brain and spinal MRI. He thought maybe it was MS. But nope. Nada was found. It's just another one of those stupid symptoms that will worry us to death. Mine are tingling right now! Thanks for reminding me! hahahaha

  • Posted

    Yes this has been one of my most bothersome symptoms. I do have problems with my cervical spine but doc said that’s not what’s causing it. Started with weird sensation in one foot then both feet-almost a little cold/numb but full sensation is still there when you touch my toes. So not actually numb. Then at times tingly but so mild not sure  imagining it! Tingles more noticeable when laying in bed or when hands and feet warm up. Same problem in pinky finger of right hand. Gets cold/numb and tingly almost like carpal tunnel but goes away fast. I try not to let it frighten me anymore.  I’ve also had the sensation of bugs crawling on my back and I keep wiping them away but there’s nothing there. Very odd sensation. 

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