New symptom

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This past week I have been having feet pain and up the leg it feels like cold and soar  on top of my 4 week long headache. This symptoms comes and go. 

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes i had this also.. feels like every bone and joint in your feet aches and is sore... The weird cold feeling too.  It all hormones.. starts out mild gets to really bad then tapers off again.   I found it travelled round my entire body, every bone joint was effected at one point or another, some days i woke up and just ached all over, then others it was specific areas.  Mine has settled down now but i do get it from time to time. The headaches also.. i had almost a year off constant headaches and migraines. Eating certain foods made them worse as a lot of it was actually allergy related and pain coming from the sinuses . That also has improved but again i still get clusters and it comes and goes.  All part of this horrible journey that no one warned you about.
  • Posted

    I just started having this and it scared me. First I wasn’t sure if the tips of my toes were numb but they had this weird cold feeling. And my feet hurt so badly. But then I noticed my hands and fingers were sore and very cold too. They all feel better if they warm up. It’s weird almost like when you go out in the cold weather but it’s hot where I live. Sometimes it totally goes away and at night it doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve had so many other bizarre symptoms come and go. On my second month no period for the first time in my whole life. I am 47. And yes had daily one sided migraines for almost a whole year but they stopped a year ago thank goodness. They were debilitating. 
    • Posted

      HI Andrea,  Do your fingers and feet turn funny colors as they are warming up...I ended up having Raynauds this past winter (we get snow and cold)...possibly anxiety related I guess because I do not have any auto immune issues.  Sometimes if I put my hands in the freezer it will happen...pins and needles while warming up.  Never had before peri, so just weird.
    • Posted

      It’s interste g you bring up Reynauds because I was diagnosed with that in my twenties but it went away. I do have some auto immune stuff which are all in remission. But they would change colors a little back then. Now when they feel a little numb I feel them with my hand and they are extremely cold to the touch. When I run fingers and feet under warm water they tingle then turn red but then feel better. No explanation other than hormones. They can feel cold even if the rest of my body is hot. My hot flashes at night have recently eased up a lot ironically. So bizarre. I am on Synthroid for Hashimotos but my levels are fine now. 
    • Posted

      Same here tips of fingers, feet ice cold...and the rest of me is on fire.This is weird,but my collar bone gets ice cold too. I read something about progesterone being responsible for our circulation... blood vessels and capillaries relaxing and contracting.  My fingernail beds look light purple sometimes, I thought I had a vascular issue or thyroid, or such...but all clear.  You can have Primary raynauds which is just having it.  . Secondary is usually if you have it in conjunction with an auto immune disorder.  I asked my doctor at the time if I should be worried...she told me to wear mittens if I was worried 🙄

    • Posted

      Mittens. Haha. Doctors 🙄. It’s hardly a life threatening condition but in conjunction with all the other weird symptoms it’s enough to drive you batty. 

  • Posted

    I am about 3 years into all of this and I just started getting the headaches.  I have never been someone who got headaches, so it’s very scary.  I was just thinking today, I have never taken so much ibuprofen and tylenol in my whole life!  As far as feet go, I have one fort that sporadically gets sore on top where it hurts to walk.  

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