New Sympton in Private area
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These symptons are constantly coming and going and coming again and bring back a new one. I am due for a period but no show (this is perimenopause) i can expect this. But, instead for the past week I have been very dry, sore, burning and irritated in private area. It is so frustrated! Ive been drinking lots of water, using things to ease it but its like nothing helps. I dont know if its something that im eating or drinking if what? Has anyone else had this problem? I thought the other symptons were bad, but this is wayyyyy beyond!!!
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maria76995 mary27278
Hi Mary, yes I have this it doesn't seem to many people have's nothing to do with what your eating,I been having this sometimes too so your not on your own,I don't want hormone creams either so suffer bit with it, I'm looking for a cream at the moment ..I'm using a bath oil to help with could try that too f you want,it's all the crazy hormones doing it.
Gigi368 mary27278
It's vaginal dryness most likely caused by hormone fluctuation. Last July I started with yeast infections for no reason. Wen on for a little more than a month. After finally seeing my gyno I was diagnosed with vaginal atrophy which causes all kinds of issues. They dryness is horrible. I started using Replens moisturizer and coconut oil but that was just a temporary fix. I'm now using Estrace Cream which is a local hormone, very little absorbed into the blood. I've been on it now for a few months and my lady bits are very happy. I started with 1 gram nightly for 14 days then 1 gram 2x a weeks. I'm down to 1/2 gram once a week but use it on the outer bits every other night. Some weeks I have to use more but things are pretty well normal in that area again. There's also a vaginal pill form called Vagifem. Talk to your gyno about options.. I'm post meno for about 16 yrs due to hysto but kept my ovaries so I'm still dealing with new symptoms every day.
Good Luck!
mary27278 Gigi368
Gigi368 mary27278
I love the Estrace Cream! It not only works for dryness but it feeds the bladder estrogen which stops the feeling of needing to go every 5 min. I use a pea sized amount concentrating on the urethra and it's all very happy again. I tried the Vagifem but it gave me very bad leg cramps, so I didn't stick with that. Plus the Estrace Cream is soothing. I can't speak for HRT patches, because of family history and my own history with fibroid tumors I can't take oral HRT. I'm in the US so yes you need a prescription for it. I've seen people say they can get it without a script though, I guess it depends on what country you're in. Also, try working on your kegel exercises and pelvic floor exercises. I went to physical therapy for it and she taught me some great exercises and it does help although it's not a fast process.
My daily routine is this: Contract your pelvic floor (kegels) and hold for 5 seconds, release them fully. Do this 25 times or as many as you can without holding your breath or straining those muscles.
Then do 25 "fast" contractions, squeeze and release. Remember to not hold your breath while doing any of these. You should also not be using your butt muscles, ab muscles, or inner thighs.
Then I move on to Thigh Abductors: lay on you back and with your feet together lower knees to the floor until you feel a stretch, hold 15 seconds, repeat 5 times. You'll drop your knees to the sides.
Isometric Abdominal: Lay on your back with knees bent, tighten your lower abs, like pulling them in towards your spine, don't hold your breath, if you need to you can press your elbows down. Hold 5 seconds and do it 10 times.
Hamstring stretches with a strap (such as a belt): Lay on your back with one knee bent and foot flat on the floor, Hook the strap to the other foot, on the arch and hold with your hands, straighten your knee, keeping it level with the bent knee hold it for 15 second with your toes pointed at the ceiling. Relax the leg completely down to the floor. Do 5 reps and switch legs.
I do all these twice a day, I've begun doing the kegels while doing these because it's more of a challenge LOL. But if you do them I'd start out doing the kegels first. I no longer leak when I sneeze or cough, and my partner says he feels a HUGE difference when we're intimate. Sounds odd but all of these muscles are associated with your pelvic floor in one way or another. I don't feel like my vagina is trying to fall out any more.
Let me know what your doc says!!!
mary27278 Gigi368
Thank you so much Gigi for all this info. I'm going to try this. I went to a new gyn and she gave me premarin vaginal cream to use. What is the difference between the estrace and premarin? Since Ive been on tbe climaroPro patch it seen that my anxiety is worsening. Could it be because it has more estrogen than progesterone and my progesterone is 0.8 and estrogen 23 last taken in Dec. I dont know where its at now since ive been using wild yam cream (a new cream) I stopped using it because i think it haywired my hormones even more. I think im.going to see a hormone specialist.
Gigi368 mary27278
I'm not 100% sure but I think the premarin has more hormones besides estrogen.. I believe, unlike Estrace, it helps with hot flashes too. Im not familiar with patches or oral hormones since I can't take them, but it seems as if you have too much or not enough of a specific hormone it could cause your anxiety levels to go whacky. Talk to your doc to make sure you're getting enough of each to balance you out. I wish my gyno would do a hormone level check on me. I have zero clue where I'm at. She says they're pointless to do since they can literally change minute to minute, my GP and oncologist agree with her, which is frustrating. It would be nice to have a baseline.
How is your burning and bladder issues doing? Does the premarin seem to be working?
This whole journey is for the birds! I'll be 50 next month and I feel 80! Of course I have other issues going on so I really have no idea if the symptoms I have are meno or leukemia since they are very similar. I'm seeing an oncologist because my white blood cells are malfunctioning. I'm waiting on 3 more blood test results and have to have a bone marrow biopsy next month. So after already going thru hot flashes yrs ago, they're back and that's just one symptom that's a mirror of meno. I'm pretty much floundering on what symptoms are what. Bone and joint pain, hair loss, dizziness, fever, red dots on my skin.. the list goes on and I have no idea yet which it is 😐
Let me know what your doc says about the hormones possibly making your anxiety worse!
mary27278 Gigi368
Gigi I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this. Have you been diagnosed with leukemia? Yes the cream seem to be helping my bladder and vaginal irritation.
I agree I am lacking /too much of a hormone.
I hope everything works out for you.
Gigi368 mary27278
Not yet.. I've had brain MRI, 18 vials of blood and I'll be having a bone marrow biopsy. So far 15 vials of blood indicate it but it's not conclusive. I had to have 3 more drawn last week. One of them takes a minimum of 3 weeks, it had to go to a special lab. My white blood cell count is over double what it should be and has been this way for several years and my GP just decides in Dec to send me to an oncologist. To say I'm mad is an understatement, he should have told me and sent me when it first started. My oncologist is pretty ticked off too. It's been a rough 3 months.
I'm glad the cream is working! Once I got that straightened out the other symptoms were bearable, were being the key word, knowing what else they might be hasn't helped my state of mind.
Hopefully you can figure out which one is causing the increased anxiety and you get it fixed!!!
Keep me updated!
Takingtime mary27278