New to taking Tibolone bleeding already
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Hi just found the forum whilst looking for side effects on bleeding. Basically I am 50 years old, been on the mini pill for years, came off about 2 months ago. Suffered for years with night sweats..and more recently aches & pains in joints, fatigue,mood swings,forgetfulness & absolutely zero sex drive & generally feeling very "couldn't care less attitude" I wouldn't say I was depressed more tearful at silly little things-anyway doctor has prescribed me Tibolone & felt much better in myself (almost calmer & aches eased up) after only a couple of days. I have started bleeding after day 4 (day 7 today) i know bleeding is a side effect & just wondering if anyone else started bleeding so early & should I stick with it? Thank you
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shirley352 lisa22188
Yes it's normal the 1st month I did bleed but then nothing been on tibolone 4 month now x
lisa22188 shirley352
shirley352 lisa22188
Hope that helps x
lisa22188 shirley352
Thanks Shirley I'm on about day 4 of bleeding-fingers crossed mines not too long either then 🙄 X
lisa22188 shirley352
LouLou46 lisa22188
Hi. How's everyone doing? I am two weeks into Tibolone and am really bloated. Can't fit into clothes etc. + feel generally bleurgh today. Not feeling any energy or libido improvements and feel like am putting on weight.
Am I being impatient and those if you who have had success - were the first couple of weeks not great?
Was on Premarin so don't know how long that takes to leave system.
Thanks x
lisa22188 LouLou46
Hi Loulou
I am 10 days in-bleeding has stopped & must admit I feel great! Mood has lifted, my horrendous joint aches & pains are almost gone. Energy has increased slightly but I am making myself do more exercise wise by taking dogs out religiously daily, as I think the walking does make me feel better once I'm out there. I'm not sure if it's a placebo effect but my sex drive has come back, much to my husband's delight! I'm sorry you are not feeling any better, maybe it's the switch over from other meds? I wasn't on anything apart from mini pill which I stopped 3 months ago...I'm hoping things will get better & better as I guess it's still early days- the night sweats have eased up but not gone as yet,although have heard they may not on these? I hope they kick in for you-keep us posted
All the best Lisa x
LouLou46 lisa22188
Aw that's great news. Really pleased that you have got good results. 😀 Sounds like it's going to be a good fit for you.
I have had a total hysterectomy and my ovaries out. Was hoping this would be the one as very few options left to try...will give it another couple of weeks...just hope it doesn't get worse with Xmas coming up. Keeps us updated with your progress x
shirley352 LouLou46
They say 3 months to take effect fully if nothing changed after that then it's not for you ..
I'm feeling better now I have changed to half a tablet in a morning and half about 9 pm before bedtime the hot sweats have got better and I'm getting some sleep now overall I'm feeling not to bad so I will just keep going for a while longer. I'm a bit bloated and have put a few pounds on but I'd rather put a bit on and feel better if that makes sense x
Good luck
LouLou46 shirley352
Hi Shirley, yes will try to be patient but hard.
Glad you are getting some relief, that's great. I habeas quickly put couple pounds on and everything feels tight. If the joint pains don't stop, I may as well go back to Premarin as could control weight on that but was hoping Tibolone wpuld perk up energy and libido
Good luck x
shirley352 LouLou46
LouLou46 shirley352
Thanks Shirley. I will. Helps to chat it through with women who understand 😊
pam34236 LouLou46
LouLou46 pam34236
Hi Pam
Well things seem to be getting better. I have noticed less hot flushes, less anxiety, less joint pains (I think surgical menopause has started off arthritic pains in fingers which I still have but the awful body aches have eased), the fatigue has gone and I generally have more energy. Libido hasn't changed massively but more inclined as have more energy! Early days but am pleasantly surprised. If I feel I need something else, I may try menopause supplements as well as somebody else on here had good results with that combo.
Good luck
pam34236 LouLou46
Good to hear some good points. However after 26 days I could not take it any more as my gastro was out of control for some days, rash on skin body aches and chest tightness was continous. So Yesterday I decided to stop half the tablet I was taking and I am not sure why I could not survive. I think because I am peri my hormones must be joining as well. So it not a success story for me and back to square one again. I basically afraid now even though read the success to take the tablet.Â
shirley352 LouLou46
That's great news loulou x I was thinking of taking something else along side tibolone but not found anything yet x
LouLou46 pam34236
Sorry to hear that Pam. I know how frustrating it us when you're suffering, had years of issues before hysterectomy and it has taken over 18 months since the op to get to this stage. I think you're right, your own hormones are fluctuating too. I had terrible acid reflux pain for a couple if years when hormones were all over - I don't know if this has gone yet as I am taking meds for it. Once I get hrt right, I will wean off the other stuff!
Have a chat with your GP about trying a different type of hrt, there's lots to choose from.
Hope you get there soon.
LouLou46 shirley352
How are you doing now Shirley? Yes I have a free sample of supplements but I can't mention the name on here, if you Google it, you should find it, they send you a free sample in post. 😊
shirley352 LouLou46
I'm going mad here the hot flushes have returned I'm OK during the day but by evening a light switch comeS on and hey ho here we go my knees are painful again I'm just totally fed up so after over 6 months on tibolone from my gynaecologyist I'm now going to see my doctor to get it change I need more estrogen I think I might see if I can get separate progesterone and estrogen as see if that works
LouLou46 shirley352
Oh no, what a shame when you had a really good month. Funnily enough, I feel a bit rough again today, think it's because I went for a long walk and gave started diet, sounds strange but any change in those areas seem to knock my hormones to pot and I get symptoms of low Oestrogen.
shirley352 LouLou46