New to the game of this wonderful thing we call perimenopause
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So...First off Bravo all your strong woman out there that have been dealing with all this. I am 44 and just missed my period. A period I could count on like the sun raising every month. The sudded heat flash at Bed Bath and beyond and then the freezing chills to the I am going to murder someone in 3 seconds, when 4 seconds ago I was having the best day of my life. The weird tingly tongue and the weight that magically came on around my belly, And let's not forget the entire summer feeling like a small breeze would make my sore nipples feal as if they were going to fall off from the pain. So this is really it! My anxiety which I always had in life has gone from hummm "I hope I don't run out of gas" to I am dying completely dying. I have tried to talk to all my friends, some have started missing or irregular or just plain mood swings.But with this anxiety I seem to think all day and all night about it. So tell me all you brave woman fighting this beast they call a woman's rite. What to do next? Other then drugs how do you deal with this anxiety? heat flashes? dread? mouth issues..And it goes on and on! My stress level is beyond and anxiety sky high. I somethings think who will care about sweating when I have full blown heart attack from all this.
Appt with OB next month so I will ease my mind reading your comments and experinces. It is good to know there is an army out there and there is this site. I have read everything and anything about perimenopause!
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menopolized sue28162
i read this forum almost everyday and this has been my support. theres at least one post that i can relate to at any particular phase of my experience.
my symptoms come in batches and theres one which is very enhanced and comes to the point i have to beg God to release me. I tried diet change but it didnt make a difference. i take the usual supplements but i reckon id be the same without them.
keep sharing your experiences
sue28162 menopolized
From what I heard this will all pass..we just have to try and keep calm
natalie86711 sue28162
Yes this is all happening too me as well, I feel like everything hurts I get my periods twice a month since I've turned 46, I am very moody lots of weird things happening I am so glad I am not alone, at first I really thought something was wrong with me, but after reading everyone's comments I can see we are all exprencing simlier issues. Hang in there we are hear to support each other.
sue28162 natalie86711
natalie86711 sue28162
Yes!! I also feel tingles in my hands and feet sometimes, I had my yearly check up , everything came back good, i guess it's all part of Premanpause that nobody ever told me about.
natallia04776 sue28162
Im 43 ! But my anxiety was bad that month. I had some about 6 years ago and it came back now. Feel ill. Thinking I'm going to die and my kids will be without me.😢 get goosebumps and shivery.
LM2114 sue28162
Hi Sue, at first it comes to a shock to realize that you can be going through it, but then it all makes sense and in my case I was even relieved to learn that everything I was experiencing was kind of normal and not a serious disease... my gyne told me I was on my road to menopause this July but now I know I was having symptoms since I was 42 more or less (I am 46 now) some days I feel like I am getting it together and feel kind of normal and happy and all of the sudden everything changes and a new symptom pops up, and throws me off again, now I am taking a day at a time and all I can think is "this too shall pass" I am dealing with this by using essential oils and phytoestrogens, my dr thinks they are safe, it helps most of the time, I have a regular drs appointment tomorrow so if she recommends something else I will let you know...hang in there this is a wonderful place to find peace of mind!!!
sue28162 LM2114
This too shall pass as words I have lived by for many many many years! And your right they will pass all of it will
It has been a huge shock even though now reading About all of this it totally makes sense.
I just tried to call my OBJ to get on something for this anxiety hope they will odds they won't
But in the meantime happy sweating and cold chills
maisie05 sue28162
Hi Sue
As recommended by lovely ladies on here, I take super strength sage, meno serene (a women's multi Vit), and passionflower. It took a week or two but then the night sweats/chills and hot flashes stopped. May not be forever but I'm comfortable at the moment. Google passionflower, it's reported to help with stress and anxiety from perimono.
I also take magnesium and Vit D3 and Cq10. Not sure which is working but I'm not going to stop any of them!
Hope you find something that works for you!
sue28162 maisie05
Thanks for that advice. I been using a multi vit with uva uva, dong quai,Chastenberry, and Butcher's Broom Passion Flower, never heard but I will be looking up and making an amazon order. I will try anything to stop the flashes. I can almost stand and I mean almost stand everything else that comes along with this but those flashes.
Thank you so much for the advice. I am so thankful I came across this website. I actually feel calm today and that in itself is a miracle
maisie05 sue28162
Oh gosh, I've never heard of anything you are taking! I'll look them up and add them to my list of things to try. I have one of those daily pill dispensers like the 'old people' use for when I stay away. Otherwise my suitcase would be full of packets and bottles of pills!
sue28162 maisie05
natallia04776 sue28162
That's exactly how I get the chills find them very hard to coupe. 😢
2chr2015 sue28162
sue28162 2chr2015
I think this all started months ago but never thought about all the signs until now and the missed period. Have you had any of those awesome heat/cold waves yet? Bedtime I can't stand since thats when it seems to really happen. My level of anxiety goes all over the place. It usually stays pretty high which makes everything seem like the end of the world. 44 is turning out to be awesome ;-(
2chr2015 sue28162
I only have night sweats. They don't usually wake me up. I'm just sweaty around my neck when I wake up. The first thing that happened to me was some unusual spotting which sent my anxiety into overdrive. Then came the breast pain and a heavy period. And then the gallbladder pain. Each one happened about 2 months apart. So every couple of months it has been something. The latest phase is nausea/lightheaded...and very tired today. I am 5 days late. Last month was short and light. Oh I forgot, yes I did have some hot flashes around the time I tried some progesterone I stopped that
Black1207 sue28162
Hello ladies I luv this has helped me get over the symptoms I was having.if it's not one thing it's another.the tingling in the hands I had tht also I just simply could not breath.I thought I was having a heart attack.I also tryed to cover natural no meds.we'll I tryed for 10months it's was pure Hell.I was going to kill somebody.I felt like I was going crazy.But when I went to see .y handsome OB. He put me on the's great ladies u dnt have to suffer
sue28162 2chr2015
sue28162 Black1207
Oh yes if the Dr's says patch..I will be on the patch faster then you can say no more night sweats ! :-p
Black1207 sue28162
2chr2015 sue28162
That's funny. I think I would rather have the weight gain, hot flashes and mood swings rather than my batch. Of course we always want what we don't have! Lol. I swear I feel like such a loser when I see my sons friends moms and none of them seem to be feeling like I do. They have energy, jobs, social functions etc. I look so thin and pale and tired.
sue28162 2chr2015
I hear you! My daugter is 9 and all the school friends are in there 40's or even younger. So even talking about this subject they look at me like I am a sr. citzen. I like to punch the person who came up with this is a woman's passage right in the throat. Oh WOW did you see that mood swing right there.LOL
2chr2015 sue28162