New to the group and need encouraging words
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Hi all -
I am closing in on 49, and recently it's getting harder and harder to find the energy to CARE about anything! I am still "regular" but everything else seems completely out of whack. I am exhausted constantly. My weight seems to go up an up. I have joint pain and muscle aches that have become debilitating. And I don't want to do ANYTHING (I have been on Zoloft for years, but for days at a time now it seems to not help at all). I have never really joined a forum before, but I am pretty desperate. I have to know that this darkness and apathy won't last!
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kelly55079 bwyner
Welcome!! I hope the doom and gloom won't last either!! I just can't figure out how other women are so peppy and full of energy... I'm in that phase too where I could care less about 'things'. I'm always looking for a SUPER fast dinner because the energy is not there. I used to be excited to decorate for the seasons/holidays but now it's just the minimum. Didn't feel like being in the garden this summer so I just let it go. I'm still regular so I don't know what's going on. I believe I take good care of myself so I think that's helping me out. I try to exercise daily as well as healthy eating and drinking a lot of water. i take a few supplements. I do have moments where I crave fast food and other junk so I allow it and make better choices the next day.. I nap when needed and go to bed early sometimes. I don't feel like getting out as much anymore but I do occasionally get out with a friend or two for a meal.
2chr2015 kelly55079
Kelly, I wonder about those peppy and full of life women also! Is there some secret I don't know about? And it is a bummer not feeling like decorating. I don't ever want to go shopping. I order online as much as possible
Guest bwyner
I've felt like you do. Nothing looked good to me, nothing. I was feeling down and the thoughts that nobody would really miss me if I died came to my mind a few times. This all happened before I hit rock bottom with really bad health problems.Then the health anxiety kicked in as I was constantly looking for reasons why I was feeling so poorly. Looking back I think it lasted about two years for me (I'm 52), and I'm just now starting to come out of it, the worse was the past year. So I do think the darkness will lift, you just need to hang in there. I know how hard it is to deal with all the physical symptoms as well as the mental. Not sure what's worse. Have you thought about switching to a different antidepressant to see if it helps?
bwyner Guest
sharPharmD bwyner
Azzumi bwyner
Welcome to this forum and to peri menopause. You came to the right place as there is a bunch of wonderful women on here.
You have all the typical peri symptoms and some may stay and some may go. Mine started slowly with hot flashes then weird periods then my period stopped completely and the fun began. Nausea, terrible fatigue, migraines and the worst thing by far the mood problems. I had constant nervous anxiety and then very bad moods with depression and anger being the worst. I'd also had very dark obsessive thoughts constantly that drove me crazy. The only thing that helped me has been bio identical hormone replacement. I'v been on it for 9 months now and it wasn't an instant fix but I'm finally feeling good again.
tracy19564 bwyner
2chr2015 bwyner
Hi bwyner. You sound a lot like me. I am 45 and this all started about 2 years ago. I still have a period, it's not always regular. I still don't care much about how I look, or my house, or decorating, etc. you are not alone that's for sure. For me, the exhaustion comes and goes. I will go through about 2-3 weeks of it and then it will get better for a while. But, those weeks I barely have the energy to wash my hair much less cook...or even have a conversation. I have also been on Zoloft for almost 20 yrs. I have recently had to increase my dosage and it does seem to help a little. The obsessive doom and gloom thoughts aren't as bad as they have been. I still have my moments and then I just tell myself it's just hormones and to not let my mind go there. I really don't want to die, but sometimes i think it would be a relief if I did to get out of the mental torment I do to myself. This forum has been a life saver for me. There are some really knowledgeable and supportive ladies on here. There are also a few ladies that have come back on here to let people know it does get better.
THANK YOU to all of you! The thing with peri menopause that throws me off so much is that there is no consistency: Three days of heartburn then - all gone! Hours of feeling low then - it's better! Bloating, aches and pains...who knows when they'll hit? It can make you feel as if you are losing your mind. The energy loss is definitely the biggest blow, because some days there just isn't TIME for it
sharPharmD bwyner
tracy19564 bwyner
Having a real bad day today. The mood swings and anxiety are far worse than usual. I'm going to make an appointment with a different Dr. How can anyone go on like this??? In my next life I want to be a man!!!!!
2chr2015 tracy19564
Gypsy014 tracy19564
tracy19564 Gypsy014
Thanks for your support! I went for a bike ride and that did help slightly. I'm like an animal. I feel like all.i do is apologize to everyone for my emotions. Only sleeping 4 hours a night does not help. I've tried everything over the counter to no avail. I do hope your day gets better. Thank you for taking the time to chat🙄
tracy19564 2chr2015
Thank you. This is terrible to live this way isn't it? You would think by now they would have something to help us. It's crazy!!!
bwyner tracy19564
I'm so glad you got out! I did a bit too. Then actually faced the task of going to the grocery store, which some days seems like climbing up a mountain! Hang in there!