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Hiya Everyone,
I'm 44 and been having peri menopausal symptoms for the past 6 months. I have had a blood test which appeared inconclusive.
my symptoms have become worse the past week, increases migraines, so lethargic, joint pain therefore i've not been to work the past few days.
The GP gave me 3 options, the contraceptive pill, start on Sertaline or herbal remidie. I have opted for the Sertraline & herbal.
Any more ideas ladies cos all I want to do at the moment is stay indoor which is just not like me at all.
look forward to your ideas xxxxx
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barbara49965 mandy19085
robin80460 mandy19085
peri is when you are still having an occasional period right? but only once in awhile? I used sertaline during this time and it really helped to even my mood swings and provide a sense of calm. Down side was it affected libido. Good luck!
jayneejay mandy19085
first of all the FSH blood test will be inconclusive or normal as your very early peri and it is not until over years of the estrogen delining will the FSH blood test reveal menopause.. ( ie: when only having 3-4 periods a year) or less
a good Mega B 100mg Complex is good for peri... It must be one with higher B6 in it at least 100mg..
holland and barret do a mega B 100mg complex
we lack B6 in peri and a good vit B12 like jarrows 5000mcg cherry flavour red label will help your energy
also calcium, magnesium and vit D ...
jay jay x
jayneejay mandy19085
this helped me no end ..
i take 150mg B6 daily in the morning.. also B12 for energy... brilliant
Menopause Mood Swings & Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 may alleviate menopausal mood swings.
During menopause, mood swings are inevitable with estrogen fluctuations as the body ends its reproductive years.
Vitamin B6 may be one answer to alleviating increased agitation, depression and anger. B vitamins are responsible for mood stabilization by controlling hormone production in the brain and regulating hormone levels. B6 declines as menopause sets in and mood swings become evident. Increasing this vitamin may give women the added boost they need to enjoy the golden years with a better mindset.
For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.
Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.
All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.
**** B6 supplements of 100mg to 300mg per day ... depending on severity
B6 may also assist HRT absortion if ladies are taking HRT.
BellaRubia mandy19085
Dear Mandy, welcome! Hope you find some answers here that fit your needs. I found the group because I started peri and had similar symptoms to yours. One of our friends put something about joint pain that was very eye opening :D So, basicly the first months are to be endured, keep calm
As barbara 49965 posted, take magnesium/calcium/D3. Add some multi vitamins, I usually take a tablet of calcium+magnesium+D3 and a multivitamin with the other half of my portion of calcium+D3 late on the day, so I am sure I am taking "the other vitamins" as well, without over doing it by taking it twice a day.
Eat better, more fruits, vegetables, lots of FISH, low fat meet, and cut on carbs, sugars and fried things - that is (basically) what many ladies here call INTINFLAMMATORY DIET, you can search it - it is going to help A LOT with the joint pain and weight gain. Omega3 is excelent for joint support, if you are not sure you get enough fish, add it to your routine.
I feel much better now, I guess when our body cant find the hormons it is used to have, it gets really cranky, like an old machine without oil, but after a while and with our help, it can came back on shape.
Good luck,
jayneejay mandy19085
nice one 😀
the B' s and magnesium and D and calcium will all help you
jay xx