Night time high anxiety/ BP spike.

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Hi ladies

Does anyone experience high anxiety levels in the evening? My anxiety and blood pressure has been running high these past few weeks, not sure why but its making me so miserable as im constantly fearing my bp will rise at night time as its happened a few times this past weeks, i am on bp meds but still it can spike in the evening, nit sure if its the anxiety thats making this issue, doctors cant give me answers. Any advice on this issue will be appreciated. Xx


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6 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi there, how high is your BP? I had BP spikes due to anxiety and I was also medicated, I had to double my meds and took Metropolol for a few weeks.

    • Posted

      My bp can rise to 168/98 in the evening so i have to take 50mg losartan in the evening to reduce.

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      However it is not everyday that I get this bp spikes, it can happen a few days each month, im not sure if its something to do with my hormones or if its anxiety of me thinking too much about my bp and menopause issues. The anxiety is also a few days each month as most of the time my bp is fine.

      Do you experience the same or is it ongoing?

    • Edited

      I'm the same, it isn't everyday. My BP was getting very high and even had a hypertensive episode where I ended up in hospital. Now my anxiety is under control, mostly, my BP is mostly good. It can creep up some times if I am busy or overthinking things.

    • Posted

      Hi Kylie

      Do you know what causes your bp to spike?

      As for me Theres some days of the month that my bp creeps up unexpectedly and it shoots up my anxiety, then i rush to the clinic which is 10minutes driving from my home. A few times doctors have to put me on observation and meds to calm me down.

      Since yesterday im seeing a psychologist to help me with my anxiety issues. I know its the perimenopause thats giving me all this problems which i find difficult to cope on my own and my stress levels is getting out of hand which makes me unhappy and cant cope properly with my daily routine.

    • Edited

      I think I have a bit of health anxiety so when I stress about my health my BP spikes. The doctor thinks its the anxiety that raises my BP, I had a panic attack out of nowhere which made me feel like I was dying, it was quite scary. I can recognise when I am beginning to have an attack now so I try and calm myself and manage it before it gets out of hand. I have really only had BP issues since Peri Menopause. I keep a close eye on my BP now. I have had a CT angiogram to rule out heart issues and also an adrenal test to check kidneys hut all came back normal. Sometimes our body just does weird, unexplained things.

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