NO Ambition at all:(

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Not only am I depressed and anxious, I can't accomplish anything?!? I was never this way! Anybody else???

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Colleen, I have been wondering about how you have been feeling. I get very down too. When I have good days I get nervous because I know the bad feelings are idling inside to come out in another moment. Ugh! What do you do when you feel this way?
    • Posted

      Thanks for thinking of me Becky. I do nothing when before I could take care of things needed to be done. I've also become unsociable and refrain from social situations. Total 360 from before! I was placed on progesterone which I start later next week, but wondering if I should try the creams instead

    • Posted

      I dont really socialize much since this either. Get very anxious doing to much around alot of people. Some days ok others very fearful of things and rough to think straight. I hope that whatever you try works for you. I am always praying for all of us day and night. Take care
    • Posted

      One of the reasons 8 became so unsociable was my awful memory.

      It's improved a lot with the HRT, but for a while there I was worried I had dementia or Alzheimers.

      Everyone was finishing my sentences for me and I was groping around for everyday words and names.

      In a social conversation by the time my brain realised I had something useful to say the moment was gone anyway.

  • Posted

    Colleen I feel your pain ! I felt the same way its awful . I was told by many people I discussed this with to try anti depressant it does help but it takes time to feel relief ! Good luck
    • Posted

      Hi Joie, I was on Paxil sincr 2001, and felt great for many years until a few yrs back. I've been on effexor, now cymbalta and still no relief. I tested low in progesterone so going to try hrt to try and get my life back. You stated that you "felt this way" , past tense. Have you found relief from the symtoms? If so, what? Thanks!! ?

    • Posted

      Hi Colleen

      I tried bio identical progesterone until my blood work should clumping ! I started acupuncture after stopping that . Out of no where the depression set in and real bad anxiety! Not able to sleep it was terrible non stop racing mind , so I decided to go on welbutrin xl after a week the symptoms started to ease up , its wonderful to get some relief!

  • Posted

    Hi Colleen,

    HRT has thankfully made me less depressed and anxious. Hoping accomplishing things will soon return.

    Before all this my motto was don't put off til tomorrow what you can do today.

    But just grateful at the moment I don't feel so depressed all the time. Not perfect but very much better than I was a year ago.

    • Posted

      Hi Colleen,

      HRT oestrogel and Utrogestan.

      After suffering with depression anxiety heart palpitations memory problems, nausea bad taste in my mouth etc. Most of the 66 symptoms (only thing I didn't have trouble with was periods).

      I started HRT because I got so hot, not flushes just boiling hot all the time.

      By 3 months on the HRT most symptoms were gone or going.

      Some still improving depression is one that seems to still be getting better.

      Some pains, shoulders in particular took about 6 months to go.

      My sleep is still a real problem but I'm wondering if it will improve as it was the first symptom I had.

    • Posted

      I'm always hot too! I do sleep well, but the mental symtoms are what I suffer from and am hoping the oral progesterone helps once I start it next week. I'm glad your feeling better?

  • Posted

    Hi Colleen

    I have the same issue, although I think I am coming to the other side of it and am feeling a bit more ambitious and energetic now. I'd wake up and lie in bed planning my day iny head and would have dull intentions of getting stuff done....then bam....I'd be up for about an hour and all that ambition and energy would disappear! The rest of the day would be spent sitting on the sofa feeling worn out and wanting to crawl back onto bed.

    I'd have no desire to socialize and just thinking about carrying on a conversation in a social setting would make me anxious and exhausted.

    At times I still feel like this....but the percentage of times I do is decreasing. This gives me hope that one day all of these menopause symptoms will be gone.

    I tried several anti anxiety/anti depressants but didn't like how they made me feel. I do take 0.5mg lorazepam occasionally and that seems to help with the anxiety.

    Hang in there and know that you aren't alone.

    Take care

    • Posted

      You give me hope by saying things are changing for you! Thank you
  • Posted

    Hi Colleen,

    Have not read all the posts so sorry if I am repeating what has been saidsad

    The depressed and anxious jusmped out at me, and know when I felt this way I was desparate for ladies to reply.

    Have to say not so long ago I was lower than ever in my life, with absolutely no reason at all, HRT (Tiberlone - Livial) has changed that.

    Something had to as I have 3 beautiful daughters and the greatest husband to live for. The odd days are pretty glum, but so much better now that some estrogen is once again circulating in my veins.

    Never wish to be that person again.

    Speak to your GP and seek some good advice to help you through.

    Natural alternatives, good healthy food, exercise etc were just not enough no matter how hard I triedsad

    Take care Colleen,

    Loui x

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