No amount of sleep is ever enough ! Why????

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I slept from approx 9-7 solid and am still exhausted .. can’t keep eyes open but too nervous about all this meno stuff to take a nap ! 

I want to go for a run but this fatigue engulfs you ! 

Why are we sooooo tired ????? 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Lori, go to your doctor and have your thyroid levels checked. One symptom of low thyroid is an inability to feel rested even after sleeping for longer than normal.  I felt exhausted all the time.  Could sleep 12 hours, open my eyes and feel like I needed another 12.  xx
    • Posted

      I just had all my blood work done ... twice ! once at the drs and once at the emergency .

      I’m very healthy so it’s all hormones . I was ok on the patch but ripped it off as didn’t want to be on medication..... bad move on my part . 

      So parch is back on . 

    • Posted


      Unless your doctor specifically requested that thyroid levels would be tested, it usually doesn't appear on the complete blood count.  So, contact your doctor and find out. xx

    • Posted

      Yes I will on Monday thank you for pushing me to do that  ... it just seems weird that the moment I took the patch off within a few days  I’m back to the fatigue . 
  • Posted

    I have an interactive thyroid and that's exactly how I felt before diagnosis. Get your thyroid function checked. You will have a result within 24 hours

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