No coping today - irregular cycles

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Hi - I am getting myself in a state today. I started this perimenopause journey in earnest last January when I period that was spotting for days resulted in blood tests that said I was postmenopausal!  A subsequent test had my FSH at normal.

From that point on my periods have not been at the regular 25/26 day intervals.  I have a few that are around that length 24. 27. 22 and then a gap to 39 followed by a short one of 16 days.  Then a few again around 23. 22. 26 and then another long gap 37 and a short one of 17 days.  So I guess there is a pattern there.............sort of

The bleeding is horrible, it isn't heavy as such, but it just feels like it's out of control - the periods don't slowly start and peak and peter out as they have all my life.  They arrive and are full on (more watery) and then stop.  It feels as though it is a lot of bleeding but it's more like a sense of evacuation (sorry for TMI) and I get awful water retention and feel like I go down a dress size within a day of starting my period.

Today I started worrying if there was something wrong! I read on the NHS website that cycles shortening and lengthening is normal but then read somewhere else about having no progesterone (no ovulation) causing these type of bleeds and that can lead to thickened lining - but it's all normal in perimenopause.

Aaaargh - my anxiety is kicking in about it not being OK and also that I actually have had enough of feeling like my body is not working properly - any comfort and encouragement to just ride it out would be great.

Other symptoms are manageable - the cravings for fat, occassional overheating, lack of energy, hair loss that stops and starts again, skin that is up and down - that's all fine and not as bad as it was.


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Beetle

    i am so with you on this, I started feeling strange and health anxiety through the roof last year, my periods too are all over and like you said, quite watery, I think that it's finished and then the next day it's back, had lots of tests and ultra sounds all normal, all put down to my age.

    i am find the health anxiety the worst, I have had to delete Google off my iPad because it neatly sent me crazy, I am at last having more good than bad days, but it's still there in the back ground, I wish you all the luck and hope your feeling better soon xx

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      Good idea to delete google - so easy to look up information but then it can get confusing. 
  • Posted

    Hi Beetle, I have had a very similar journey so far. Although one period lasted 16 weeks so had to see a gyne who has diagnosed fibroids. He offered me the Merina coil or some medication , but as my bleeding isn't particularly heavy I've resisted. The one thing which has made an enormous difference is my visit to a herbalist in the summer . She made me up a tincture which has settled everything down. I now take 40 droplets of Angus Castus every morning and touch wood I am much more regular and and feel better in myself. I don't know if it works for everyone but for me it's been amazing. I have also changed my diet and eat as much organic as I can . It all seems to be working .. Hope that helps , its defiantly worth a shot. Best wishes 😀👍
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      Hi - I think I do have a fibroid - well I had one diagnosed in my 30's so I don't know if it is there or not! Waiting would be my option as well.  Funny you should mention the herbalist as I was planning to go earlier in the year and then I settled into things a bit.  I have reviewed that today and think I might go.  It's very hard to tell yourself what you need in terms of herbs - I have increased all the vitamins and minerals etc but perhaps a herb will help.

      I am 45 and the Dr freaked me out earlier this year saying I had done with hormones and would need HRT as too young - thankfully I have been having periods which means I do still have estrogen and as bizarre as it seems I want to keep it as long as possible but actually think I have stopped ovulating properly now, so anything that supports me ticking a long for a bit would be great - it's so personal to each of us and no one remedy works for all - it's all the time and effort needed that is getting me down as well.  It is like a major project to keep well!

      Thanks for your reply

    • Posted

      Your welcome, I think after years of ticking along it is a shock to have to rethink lifestyle ,diet etc..... But let's look on it as a positive and a chance to concentrate on ourselves for once . I am frequently told all these symptoms are what is expected , Take care 😀
  • Posted

    Hi Beetle, it's such a worrying time this perimenapausal stage. I am on day 22 of a watery period/ bleed. Read a lot on the web scared myself silly. Prior to this bleed I had spotted when a period was due and had three 'normal' periods this year. Have visited Drs hoping they would do a blood test but no told can basically expect anything at this age but if I am over concerned will book me a scan - my mum had cancer of the womb after she had been through menopause so this is always on my mind - although told it's a hereditary cancer. Increased hot flushes moods, depression also dull period pains.

    Not a joy! 

    All the best Marion

    I too have just started taking agnus castus so we will see.

    • Posted

      Oh Marion your family history must worry you but try to remember we are all different and make sure the GP does any tests you want to help you not worry - they really should if you ask - maybe a scan?   Good luck with the Agnus Castus.


  • Posted

    Hi Beetle

    I understand about the anxieties i have a lot of them myself with fast heart rate, palpitations, stomach issues, everything you name it 

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      I am sorry you are also anxious susan - it's such a nightmare - one day I am fine, the next I am a mess.
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      Tell me about it one day i am fine the next day i just have to stay home and recoopreate don't know what to do don't understand why my sugar levels have been high for the past several days and this morning and tonight something is lacking in my body and i do not know what it is
  • Posted

    Just an update:

    I saw my GP today and she was very good, she nodded in recognition as I explained the irregularity of my cycles and said she normally likes to check for anything else like a polyp that might be adding to the bleeding, so she has referred me for an ultrasound.  After that she mentioned I could consider progesterone to help balance things out or even soy, although that won't solve everything.  I said I would try the soy and see.

    I also asked about the horrendous water retention as the other symptom bothering me so much and apart from HRT she said try celery, sometimes a stick a day can sort it out!  Who knew............

    I am somewhat reassured but ironically didn't even mention the specific worry of thickened lining - seeing as she has decided on a scan, that will pick anything up I think.

    I do get so very anxious and presume the worst - not having had children also makes gynae investigations fairly new to me and I do worry that I have had no breaks from periods which MUST mean something is up!!! Totally convince myself sometimes.  I have had fibroids and cysts in the past and none have needed treatment but I did have symptoms of the cysts, so rationally I think I would know, if the fibroid is still there, she said they would wait for that to shrink with menopause.

    All in all, I think I feel better after seeing her.Hopefully with a clear scan, I can better accept these horrible ups and downs.  Saying all that, I don't think I will be free from imagining ovarian or uterine problems until they have had a look - so odd how these things come into my mind just because they are looking and last week it didn't even enter my head.  Once you decide something might be a possibility - it seems to become reality!  Perimenopause is encouraging my worry brain, the sensible one is weakening sad

    • Posted

      Hi Beetle

      i had a polyp removed last year, it was causing bleeding on a regular basis but not lots, while i was under they put the camera up and had a good look round the only thing he could see was a small Fibroid, i also had the Mirena Coil fitted at the same time, that as helped massively with my heavy periods and the abdomal pain, but i still get spotting , so a couple of weeks ago had a ultra sound, like you i havent had children and it can be embrassing, but all was normal with that, so they are leaving me 3 months to see if spotting settles and if not i have to have the camera back up, it is so unfair what us ladies have to go through, i never thought peri could be has bad as this, but when you speak with other people, you realise its all normal, its just we are all different so suffer slighty different syptoms. Google as just completely fed my health anxiety which also started with the peri, so now i try my hardest not to be tempted to go googling, i have to say since ive done this i am having more better days with the anxiety. Please dont worry about the ultra sound the ladies that do it are so nice, and you are covered up the whole time xx

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