No more Sertline left?
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as it states as.....I thought I had a pack in my cupboard BUT haven't so what advice should I do? The doctors won't be open now til Monday?
so it will be 2-3 days I'm going to be missing can someone advise me if I'll be ok ? I take these because in in peri and my mood swings were very erratic these were a blessing in disguise and have helped me immensely will missing these days do any effect? Is there anything anyone can recommend to take while I miss these dose's? ..
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daisylady Shelly0069
Shelly0069 daisylady
yes I thought that very same thought.
The pharmacist has me down for a particular make so sometimes have to wait a little longer for it to come in!!!!
My own stupid fault for not checking through the week, just assuming I had a pack left!!!!!
chelo Shelly0069
Shelly0069 chelo
thing with B12, is these vitamins take 12plus weeks or so I have been told to actually start working so wouldn't really compensate me not really anyway..but thanks.
elaine33371 Shelly0069
irish_linda Shelly0069