No more Sertline left?

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as it states as.....I thought I had a pack in my cupboard BUT haven't so what advice should I do? The doctors won't be open now til Monday?

so it will be 2-3 days I'm going to be missing can someone advise me if I'll be ok ? I take these because in in peri and my mood swings were very erratic these were a blessing in disguise and have helped me immensely will missing these days do any effect? Is there anything anyone can recommend to take while I miss these dose's? ..

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Shelly   Don't panic.  You would be ok for a day or two as the drug stays in the body but if you're really worried go to your pharmacy where you get the prescription and ask for a few tablets to tide you over.  They usually are okay with that and will just take the extra tablets from your prescription when you get it.  I've done it myself.  Good luck xx
    • Posted

      Hi daisylady Thankyou for replying.

      yes I thought that very same thought. 

      The pharmacist has me down for a particular make so sometimes have to wait a little longer for it to come in!!!! 

      My own stupid fault for not checking through the week, just assuming I had a pack left!!!!!


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    • Posted

      Hi chelo, 

      thing with B12, is these vitamins take 12plus weeks or so I have been told to actually start working so wouldn't really compensate me not really anyway..but thanks.

  • Posted

    i was taking sertraline to get me through peri, and your right it really helped me,not on it now being post, it does take a couple of weeks for the anti depressant to come out of your system once its stopped so, you shouldnt get any withdrawal for leaving it 2/3 days, and shouldnt cause you depression in that case either, however, i know drs recommend taking Benyrdril cough mixture, which, you buy over the counter, its recommended to help with withdrawal if you want to try that, as long as your allowed it, but i really dont think you will need it,  withdrawal can cause anxiety symptoms, so have it standing by if you want, and dont take it unless you feel the need too, but im, sure you will be ok shelly for those days, and if you take a substitue alternative anti depressant, 2/3 days worth of a new drug wont do anything.
  • Posted

    shelly it wont make any difference just take the normal dose when you get them monday you will have enough in your system

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