No patience and fly off the handle
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Hi ladies
This is my first post .
I am so short tempered and have no patience any more is this peri menopausal symptoms or just my age , I'm 48 years old and just feel that im snappy and just quite happy to be on my own !
I'm not sure if the hot sweats and the disturbed sleep patterns are the cause or just meopause sneaking up on me .
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Sassyr12a tracy02319
Hi Tracy
You're definitely not alone in feeling that way at all. I was just anxious at the start but now I'm getting the benefit of bhrt I'm snappier than I've ever been and easily irritated. I've always been able to put on a happy face, but not now.... Not sure whether this is the real me so I'm just going with it, but if you aren't taking anything yet and it's out of character then I'm sure it will be peri, it effects your mood terribly. Welcome anyway, I know the ladies will chip in with their experience but best of luck xx
tracy02319 Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy
Thanks for your comments , I am putting down to peri, I don't want to start any medication yet. But helps I'm not the only one .
Guest tracy02319
Hi Tracy,
This was definitely the start of it for me. I was horrible. My husband and I were just talking about it yesterday. I would fly off the handle so easily, I got to the point where I was screaming and throwing my suitcases around threatening to leave. I would get myself so worked up I'd be heaving over the toilet. Looking back I'm sure it was all the unopposed estrogen that was flying around my body. I'd suggest to you to try some natural progesterone cream, Progesterone is the first hormone that starts depleting and that's why you have trouble sleeping as well. Hope it helps.
tracy02319 Guest
Hi Suzanne
Yes I've threatens to leave as well, well I'll certainly get the cream ... I would say G &T but Alchol just aggravates my hot flushes.
Thanks this site is great you don't feel your the only one going through these emotions!
sabrina1971 Guest
ImagineOneDay tracy02319
I don't have hot sweats but I am the same. I am 48 too. I beleive it is perimenapause. I very happy on my own but at times I feel isolatef&detached. I only meet with one or 2 people that I feel totally comfortable. As well as being impatient I have almost zero tolarance. I can't forgive & forget. I can easily written off a best friend. I lost a friend becausr of it. Nithing sge did was wrong but i just felt off with her and stopped my contact. I didn't use to be like this. . . Is perimenapause a KIND OF MADNESS!
michelle92591 tracy02319
If your not sleeping well that can affect lots of things. I notice when I have night sweats for weeks i am pissy. I get it,not a lot of patience for anything!
tracy02319 michelle92591
mbs12 tracy02319
You are not alone!! I am the same way. I don't recognize myself and am at wits end sometimes. It's extremely irritating. I love sitting in my home office and watching whatever I want on my computer and ignoring everyone.
Sometimes I go to bed at 6pm and I'm still tired in the morning. Exhausted is an understatement. I can't get enough sleep and when I do, I want more.