No period and anxiety
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Hello everyone , I’m back again ( unfortunately ) . Still no period , now six and a half weeks since my last one and my anxiety is through the roof . This in turn makes me depressed and I guess pms off the scale . Just feel horrible . I turned 51 a couple of weeks ago , so worried about getting old . Last week I had pains in my chest and ended getting a paramedic round . Came to the conclusion it was a mixture of heartburn , anxiety and maybe I’d pulled it as my shoulder blades were aching as well . This in turn hasn’t helped my mood as you question your mortality . I just want to feel better and gave my mind at ease instead of constantly worrying about something . In the end you wonder if the symptoms are real or partly psychosymatic . Will I feel better if my period comes ? I spoke to my doctor as well last week and he was very reassuring , I always have it in the back of my mind if they’ve missed something . On Sunday the roast I cooked was a bit of a disaster and what could go wrong did go wrong . It was like the end of the world to me . I’m sure my husbands getting fed up of me with my changing moods and drama ! I can’t help it though . Anyone else suffering like this ?
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wendy36287 jane63977
michelle92591 jane63977
Hi Jane,unfortunately this sounds like many of us. The anxiety does make everything worse. I missed my first period at 50,so this sounds normal to me.I drive my husband crazy too, luckily he is understanding. I don't know if you will feel better when you get your period. For me the sweats ,brain fog,anxiety and no appetite has happened. your not alone.
reva31742 jane63977
I am 52 and haven't missed one yet. Still moods are all over the place. My husband asked me the other day when this menopause was going to be done. Lol I said probably never! At least feels like it.
kelly55079 jane63977
My cooking isn't that great anymore unless I'm really 'with it' which is rare these days.. Thinking about using my crock-pot more as it's easier.. And yes to the chest pains-- moreso on the left side. It's not all the time, just hear and there.. My moods are really bad around my period otherwise I feel like I'm just floating- not really here at times.
wendy36287 kelly55079
kelly55079 wendy36287
jill19850 wendy36287
2chr2015 jane63977