No period but all the pain!
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Hi ladies,
Will try to keep this brief. I came off HRT in January. Always had regular periods usually 28 days but then went to 26 days. When I stopped the HRT my periods were quite heavy until these last two months when they became light! This month I was due on Monday of this week but nothing. I've had period type symptoms since the middle of my cycle but this week they have become worse.....lower back ache, heavy aching legs just generally feelilng yuck. Still NO period which is very unusual for me as I've been as regular as clockwork!
I was actually looking forward to missing periods and eventually stopping but not if I've to put up with all this pain every month. Has anybody else experienced this and how long does it go on for? Just don't know what to expect??
I only saw my gyne last Friday and told him I often have period symptoms from my 14th day of my cycle. He said because I have fibroids I will get pain....but my fibroids are only 4/5cms! Although I do have multiple ones and the gyne is going to scan me every 6mths to check on them.
This periods pain is getting me!!
Feeling fed up with aches and pains but pleased I've no period!! :0
0 likes, 4 replies
susan21149 elle127
Talk to your doctor about being put on something else
kimberly60059 elle127
elle127 kimberly60059
Thanks for your replies. Well finally I started my period but it's very light at the moment. I feel much better now I've started. I've NEVER experienced such pain and general feeling of being unwell before. I've always been very regular so I reckon this is a start of my periods slowing down.....hopefully!
I saw the nurse at the doctor's sugery today and she could actually see me sweating buckets. It was awful I was in the waiting room sat amongst a lot of men and they could see the sweat streaming down my face. At least my nurse has witnessed this now. She has suggested I have my scan to check on my fibroids and then if all is ok she thinks I would be better back on the HRT. She said the patch is better and should help my sweats (believe it when I see it as nothing has helped so far!).
So that's where I'm up to at the moment. I think if I carry on the natural route my periods will stop completely. But because I'm still having them I will have to use a HRT which still gives me a monthly bleed
Anyway I did feel loads better on HRT so I will seriously think about going back on it.
Hope you are feeling better soon Kimberly.