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Hello, everyone!

I had my last periods about 8 years ago.  They went sporadic and uneven for about a year.  The last 2 of them were very heavy, but no pain, no cramping, no symptoms......nothing.  I didn't even know I was bleeding, until I went to the bathroom and saw the blood.  I worked for 4 doctors at that time, & they all said it was "that time".  Well, 8 years have gone by, with no bleeding or spotting, whatsoever.  No other symptoms, either.  I felt great all the time.  Well, for the past year I've been having menopause symptoms (the constipation, then diarrhea, hot flashes, queeziness, moodiness, etc.).  My apetite is real good......I feel like eating anything.  I have trouble sleeping sometimes, and I'll get up at 3am to turn the fan on (I'll be boiling hot).  Then after about 15 min, I'll be cold!  I have some bloating, some dry skin, my haircolor doesn't "take" like it used to. My breasts are swollen, I'm fatigued one minute, and then feel great the next minute.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Deanna

    I too are now going through the menopause. I felt great up until about three weeks ago and now I feel really bad like you sore breasts inability to sleep hot then cold what's worse of all is the anxiety that goes with it. Really debilitating and totally exhausting. I haven't had a period at all for a couple of years but it feels like I'm going to get one. I think you might need to have a check up. I'm going to see my doc as soon as Easter is out of way.

    Take care let me know if I can help anymore although I'm having trouble helping myself at the moment.


    • Posted

      Hi, Elaine!

      Thank you for replying to my post.  I finally got an appointment with my my doctor for April 15th. They had no appointments available until then. If I was in pain, I'd have to find another route to go, but since there's no pain, I'll be fine until the 15th.

      I've gone all these years without any problems. As a matter of fact, a lot of menopausal women I work with have envied me (they all have severe symptoms, and were getting irritated that I was ready to go shopping or running around or just enjoying life.  I, too, thought I was "the funny duck" out of the group, for not having symptoms all these years.  I thought I was blessed.  Well, they came on overnight. I guess I jinxed myself.  That feeling that I'm going to get a period any minute is just like you.  I have that slight pelvic pressure or "pulling", but it's not painful, just "there".  I have my regular gynocology checks every year, and I've been clean as a  whistle, and the women in my family are like horses, so I've been lucky there.  It's just that these symptoms came overnight, out of the blue.  Some of my symptoms are similar to the beginning of both of my pregnancies, and they bring back memories. I find myself more irritated with little things, or with certain women at work that I was able to tolerate before. I feel like telling them "look out......I'm now you're now on my radar".  I'm going to have full bloodwork done, and also a thyroid test. I have an elyptical machine and a treadmill at home, and I use those everyday. I DO feel better after I exercise. I've gone from wearing regular bras to wearing jogging bras, 100% cotton, which have helped. This menopause thing is really gnawing at me, and it's not fun getting older. I hate it. 

    • Posted

      Hi there sorry I had to nip out for more supplies.

      I too try and exercise and do three circuits in a week. Will take the dog out this afternoon down to the woods its such a lovely spring day today. Like you it feels like I am getting my period but it never comes, headaches back pain I wish it would happen to give me some relief. Your right it doesn't get any better. But we have got to carry on. Not looking forward to work tomorrow but at least it might take my mind off briefly.

      Take care chat soon.😄xx

  • Posted

    Hi Deanna, the answer is yes, post menopause symptoms can last up to 14 years. Also just a thought but have you had any tests to check you thyroid levels? A lot of women after the menopause can suffer thyroid issues so I think it's an idea to get a full blood work check. Good luck
    • Posted

      Hi, Gizmo1963!

      Thank you for replying to me. I also replied to "Elaine", above your comment (please refer to my answer there, too).  I'm going to have the thyroid test done.  I'd like to solve this problem of gaining weight, and possibly take some off.  I'm not looking for easy dieting at this point; that's a thing of the past with me, I guess......losing weight easily and quickly.  Now, I'd be happy taking off 10 pounds.  I just feel out of sorts, and not myself.  I feel like "blah" and when I see how my body has changed, I want to throw in the towel and just accept my "belly" that used to be slim.  When I was young, I used to see women who had "matronly" bodies, and now I'm one of those women.  I can say this, though: I got my 2 sons out of being a woman, so my belly, bloat, sore breasts, & hot flashes are my battle scars and are worth it.  I am now convinced that men our age have it easy.

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