Noise in ear
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I wonder if anyone else has experienced the following -
A few weeks ago I started noticing a noise in my ear when bending over or moving my neck in certain positions, it sounds like a huh huh noise if you open your mouth and breath out fast its that same noise. Then the last few nights I have been waking up with a heartbeat noise in the same ear and i feel like I can hear blood flow. I went to see my gp and she listened to my neck and said that was clear and told me it could be a problem with my eustatian tube. She has referred me to a ENT doctor. I am so worried that I am going to have a stroke, I explained this to the doctor and she said I had no red warning signs for this. I do have a lot of problems with my neck muscles, they are always tight and hurting. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Caroline x
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CarolKelso caroline62395
Hi caroline...
yes i have had all these symptoms and they are scary when they start but will calm are not alone..hang tight and go easy. CK
caroline62395 CarolKelso
Thank you for your reply, it just makes me feel better if someone understands how it feels, my family and friends are fed up with me, it can be a very lonely time for us ladies suffering x
Guest caroline62395
Hi Caroline, I get this too. there are nerves and an artery that supplies blood to your brain, ears, etc. You are hearing the vibrations of that blood flow and your it is an artery...carotid artery. Then, of course you become more aware of it! My neck muscles are always tight... when I Crack my neck, my ears ring terrible. , I am close to being officially diagnosed with vestibular migraines. A lot if this comes with the territory. I get very dizzy and unbalanced, my neck gets very tight because without realizing it..., I do not to move my head much as it provokes the my neck muscles stiffen up to carry my head. Unless you want to go the med could try hot towels around your neck, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, however, I tried these things for over a year...did not neck is still a mess and I now on nortripyline.
ampat1 Guest
Hi Lou is your migraine medication helping? I have severe tension headache on daily basis, my neck and ears hurt from the tension. I read amitriptyline and nortriptyline are sometimes prescribed for tension headache as well. I am so sick, I'm starting to give in and get on meds for this pain.
Guest ampat1
Hi ampat1, Yes...overall. I was originally on amitripyline for 2 months...only 10 mg...should have been increased because in November, I had 10 migraines. But, My primary dr just gave it to me to help until I was able to see the otonuero.
After speaking with the otoneuro, we decided nortripyline would be better for me. Amit made me a bit drowsy in the a.m. and dry mouth...really no bad side effects...and I am very med sensitive as most migraine sufferers are!
Only side effects so far with nort is dry mouth, slight big deal. I am due to get my period soon, but I have gone almost a week without a migraine. Also, have been able to drive and do a little more...he said once my target dose is reached and the migraines are controlled, my vestibular symptoms should improve.
Def speak to your doc. I started with tension headaches regularly 3 years migraines since peri. Do not suffer, try something...the starting dose of both is 10mg...if you go on amit, it is a tiny can split in half if you are worried how it will affect you. Nort comes in a capsule.Good luck you!
Guest ampat1
Hi again...Along with the nortrityline...I am taking 200mg of B2 and 250mg of magnesium...
ampat1 Guest
thanks Lou for the med info, I really appreciate it. I will speak to my dr about trying either amitrip or nortrip. Good luck to you as well, I'm glad you are doing better:)
Gypsy014 caroline62395
Hi, Caroline, I get this too.. Makes my anxiety high, I think it has something to do with the migraines, and if no pain there then migraine is silent.. Whenever the whooshing noises come my migraines follow, I am experiencing it all right now , and I also have the wavy vision now when looking at a patter of some kind from across the room.. I'm going to take it very easy today, I too am so afraid of stroke.. Lonely times indeed, as feel all alone with this. I think I have a migraine coming with my symptoms, its scheduled in my daily journal (awful to know and wait on a migraine)
staci88515 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy, I had the flashing/wavy pattern thing all day yesterday. My anxiety was sky high. Everyone keeps saying migraine, but I can't stop thinking it's my actual eyes. Or, maybe I am just wishing it was my eyes instead of my seems less scary to me that way. My eyes feel dry in the morning. I can hear myself blinking. Plus, the eye symptoms fluctuate during the day. It seems weird to me that I could have fluctuating migraines. And, I have had 24/7 blurry vision for weeks. I was diagnosed with persistent migraine status. Really??? I have read so much about how hormones cause blurry vision. I'm so confused. Is it my brain or my hormones?!?!
Gypsy014 staci88515
Hi staci, how are you today? Yes the wavy patterns are awful, definitely a sign the migraine is on its way.. I for sure take it easy during my migraine wavy vision weeks/days, I never know how bad they will be or get but the signs will always tell you.. And for me the signs are the wavy vision the off balance dizzy , dizzy when turning or looking around to quick, the extra dry eyes, the blurry vision, I also get numbness one side of head/face mouth back of head, I get bad sharp pains in my head and eye sockets.. Really scary stuff, then the migraine will follow.. And lots of things like I mentioned before will bring it on worse, like the lights in the stores certain foods smells, all triggers, and if its that time of the month and hormones or lack of them are doing their hormone dance, all these symptoms will come on strong.. My eyes are severely dry with my mouth at night , and during migraine weeks/days its even worse, and my eyes especially my right one is worse, feels like its being pulled, and so much blurriness and pressure behind and above my eyes.. I went to eye doctor over summer, had the extra tests make sure no glaucoma and to get pictures of the back if my eyes, and thought I wouldn't make it through them tests because I'm so light sensitive, every time they flashed those lights straight into my eyes my anxiety was off the charts... Felt like I was having a panic attack, then doctor read results, and all good no glaucoma no bleeding behind the eyes just have my astigmatism and regular ole not so good vision , and she said they were dry, I said wow yes they are, in middle of night I have to keep my eyes shut just to make it to sink to splash cool water on them to blink and relieve the dryness..and then when I'm NOT having my migraine weeks/days my eyes are NOT dry mouth either eyes do NOT feel like they are pulling I have no pain no headaches no dizziness or numbness, almost feel normal.. But still can't be under lights in stores no matter what time of month I will pay for it with all my symptoms... So this definitely cycles every month .. For me, and symptoms should for you as well, but when you first start all this its bad and symptoms feel like they are constant, thats why its important to write your symptoms down daily to see what comes and what goes every month... Hope you are feeling fantastic today!! Take care ❤
staci88515 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,
Thank you fr reaching out!
I actually had a pretty good day today because I was out and about. My vision is always better outside than it is indoors. I tried Refresh Plus eye drops today, so I am not sure if that helped or not. Do you see everything wavy? I usually only see it when looking at a distance inside stores or when looking at patterns. It is only in the center of my vision. It is so bizarre and completely stresses me out. I have noticed that I feel very dry lately too. I need to constantly drink and put on Chapstick. I know this sounds silly, but I can't tell if my eyes are dry. They don't feel gritty, but sometimes I can hear myself blink. Maybe everyone can hear themselves blink?? I also feel a pulling sensation in my right eye. I don't even know what that could be.
Oh, I hate the bright lights at the eye doctor. I get panicky too! Why must they use such powerful lights a millimeter away from your eyeball?!?! When I went to the neuro-ophthalmologist, he did not dilate my eyes. Instead, he used some fancy machine that takes a photo of the veins in the back of your eye. It was a giant flash and was as bright as the sun. I could not see anything afterwards even when I closed my eyes. I immediately panicked and was so scared it would stay like that permanently. It took about 7 minutes to recover. The eye doctor got completely annoyed with me. NO lie, he called me a baby. He said, "You are acting like a baby!" I didn't get upset by it because truthfully I was being ridiculous, but I am so scared that I will go blind.
To be honest, I'm not sure my vision is migraine related. I know that is what every doctor tells me, but I swear it feels like it's my eyes and not my brain. Yes, I think hormones are the root cause, but I'm not convinced it is all migraine. I only have a migraine in stores and then I am magically better in the parking lot??? I only have a migraine indoors and not outside??? Something does NOT add up!!!
staci88515 Gypsy014
Gypsy, I forgot to mention....I just started a journal. Maybe there is a rhyme and reason to all this craziness!