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I'm trying here to think why some people do not go through menopause or don't get no symptoms .
which is such a blessing for those people
Do they ever get anything to let them know there in menopause,I have cousin at 52 years old and do not get nothing not even warm only heavy periods how amazing,when i turn 50 the heavy periods and feeling all sorts was going on
They hormones are kind to them
Lucky Lucky Lucky
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Indifferent maria101
carmen_22574 Indifferent
Well I hope I grow into mine sooner than later. It's been a year and 3 months. The last couple months the symptoms kind of got better but the last 2 weeks i haven't felt good. Also can your ankles swell during ovalution? It scares me when they swell i think my heart is acting.
Guest maria101
I think the answer for that is the same as the reason why some have 3 day menstrual cycles others have 5, some have morning sickness others have none-
We are all different and surely experience things differently- ?😊
Maybe those without symptoms will get a hot flash when they hit 70 Lol😆
maria101 Guest
Hi FthB, my cousin only bleed 3 days mine was 6 days but I was told the longer the healthier...I understand it's different for everyone but I thought menopause is for every women to go through this cannot be in our heads...that's why some people that font get nothing think we need to get grip.
Guest maria101
You are correct.. They DO go through the change, but their symptoms may not be that drastic- They may have an occasional headache instead of the horrible migraines that mny of us suffer with, they may get an upset stomach, yet we get debilitating nausea- 😢
I am in Peri (still have a regular menstrual cycle) dont have hot flashes.. but started with the nausea, fatigue, anxiety, general feeling of sickness... Yet didn't suffer with morning sickness with any of my pregnancy-This forum has helped me manage the NATURAL way- ?
Guest maria101
I talk openly about menopause now and you'd be surprised how many woman are suffering in silence.. fearful to loose their jobs and are struggling to make it through the day (unsure of what symptoms signal menopause) they are relieved to hear you tell them that someone else has the same ailments-
The mental anxiety is just dreadful and crippling.. There certainly needs to be more OPEN acknowledgement of what a woman goes through-
This change is MAJOR! 😨😱😰😵
carmen_22574 Guest
You are correct about a MAJOR CHANGE😝😲😨😩
pam34236 Guest
Guest pam34236
Hey Pam,
Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time.. What have you been using thus far to help ease your symptoms?
My biggest was Nausea.. I drink chamomile tea (don't add sugar) and I chew small pieces of raw ginger or either put the pieces of ginger in boiling water and sip on that. It works very well (quickly)to relieve that bloated gas feeling for digestive purposes as well! ???
pam34236 Guest
kelly55079 maria101
I wonder that too.. Some women are just lucky to breeze thru life. My sisters all had different symptoms than me and my mom says that she didn't have any symptoms at all!!!