non stopping eating
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i am 52 and having a bit of a rough time dealing with this peri stuff but have been trying hard to deal with it. But lately i CANNOT stop eating-i could finish a meal and i going looking for more food! I have gained 14 lbs in a month and a half and i just hate it. I have always been heavy and this is not good for me- plus i go to the gym 5 days a week and i still am gaining- Please if anyone can give me any advice i would love to hear it-p.s. my bloodwork came back fine thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SoopyLoopy kathy8894
I'm sure there are other posts on here along the same lines and we all have different ways of coping
kathy8894 SoopyLoopy
debbie03785 kathy8894
totally relate to you. Ive put on almost two stones in the last year, despite exercising every day. Really getting me down, and I know Im asking for trouble. Even low carb didnt help. Normally the weight would fall off with low carb diet and exercise. Started taking thyroxine tablets 2 months ago, but still no difference. Have been taking B vitamins for a year now. Will be interested in any advice! I managed to stop smoking 6 months ago with Champix tablets, wish they would help me to stop eating. X
kathy8894 debbie03785
debbie03785 kathy8894
kathy8894 debbie03785
SoopyLoopy kathy8894
Don't beat yourself up about it. The list of cr*p that we deal with is enough to drive most men to their knees
. I've taken anti-depressents for a while when I first hit peri and have to say it helped. If nothing else it got me on an even keel and able to work. if you get SSRIs they help with hot flushes etc too.
If you can get it via your GP counselling is also really useful. I ended up going private as I didn't like the NHS woman I got, but the time and space to talk really helped. As do these forums!
Be kind to yourself and keep posting
kathy8894 SoopyLoopy
sandy43290 kathy8894