Normal or not?

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I am 47, soon to be 48 in Novemeber. I have had normal periods my whole life. Usualy tender breasts a couple days before it starts and usually a stomach ache the day before and the day of on the bad days. I usually have a day and half of bad flow and seven days total time length in my cycle and usually on time. The last few months I have been spotting a bit in between cycles then in July it never would stop all the way but 3 days then it started again light for two days then this past three days it's been really heavy, more than normal and witht the stomach cramps. Not severe but I know they are there. I am not feeling any anxiety other than not knwoing what is going on. Does this sound familiar to any of you? i keep waiting to see if things go back to normal before I panic but it is getting harder to do that. My Vitamin D levels are at 65 so that is good. Been taking more B vitamins and iron since reading all of your posts. 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    It never hurts to always check with your doctor, but yes, I use to have normal cycles then I went through a heavy cycle stage, then no cycle for 8 months, then light to normal to spotting.
    • Posted

      What age were you when you started the un normal cycles? 


  • Posted

    Hi Melanie,

    What you are going through is pretty much what I am experiencing right now as well.

    I usually spot in between cycles a lot and have been having extremely heavy and long periods when I get them . You are very fortunate you don't have the anxiety!

    It is very difficult to deal with . It comes and goes but it can be pretty intense.


    • Posted

      I hope I don't get that. I just have some worry right now, hopiing it is all normal and that it stops soon. Hard to get anything done. 

    • Posted

      Very hard to get anything done. I am usually a person who is always moving and doing things. Lately I am so opposite. I have total lack of motivation and can't get excited about anything in life . I know this will all end as I have friends that are through menopause and are back to themselves again. I am 53 so it has to be coming to an end soon !!

    • Posted

      me too, I can't move to much or I have issues lol. What age were you when you started going through it? 

  • Posted

    Dear melanie

    This happened to me, endless spotting starting and stopping, I did get it checked out for peace of mind, but it seems to happen in peri for some. It did worry me because it seemed abnormal because I was always regular and five day period, it does worry us when it changes because that is what we were used to over the years x

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