Normal worries intensified
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i have always been a worrier but now find that its more so. my son is getting his first car tomorrow and Im catastrophising about him driving. Even though hes sensible there are still other conditions to worry about. Wish I could switch off ........
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claire38123 alison91416
feel for you i worry about everything at the minute suffering from menopause anxiety makes everything a huge deal its silly the way we feel but our brains just dont calm down or shut off i wake up worrying about worrying then you get the physical feeling like palpitations shakes dry mouth and dizziness which just makes it so much worse your not the only one my lovely so just be reasured were all on the site for the same reason to help each other get over this rubbish time of life big hugs to you and he will be fine my boy only got his car in jan and hes a good little driver and so will yours xx
alison91416 claire38123
thank you Claire. it is so hard isnt it. did you worry about your boy driving?
michelle97919 alison91416
HI Alison
in answer to your question
oh yes!!!!
I had a ten year peri now 18 months post
My youngest has just had her first baby and i was a wreck for the whole nine months
Ive got three grandchildren so no reasin for me to worry like i did
But thats just one example
I can hear myself telling myself to just relax but i just cant
I worry about everything and anything
I absolutely hate it!!!!
Thanks for replying and congratulations on being a grandmother. We both have lots to be grateful for!
sherri87081 alison91416
Alison, I am a chronic worrier, especially since I have all of this weird stuff going on with my body. I usually find out that the things I worry about so much never happen. My anxieties and panic take over sometimes over the least little things. I still worry about my daughters driving home even though they have been driving for years. Since you say he is sensible, I would try not to worry too much about his driving. It's so hard to let them grow up and become independent.
julee15466 alison91416
Yep! My particular anxiety manifestation is hypochondria. I am certain I'm dying from everything. It's AWFUL. I used to be a little worried but could shrug things off. Now it's in overdrive.
michelle97919 julee15466
Yep me too
Every little twinge or pain is terminal to me now!!!
Was never like this x
Cass63 alison91416
I honestly think this has to be another menopause symptom. I too have always been a worrier but could control my mind and emotions. Now the worry and anxiety literally control me.
I have been going through all of this crazy stuff for 10 years and have been post-menopause 6 years. It has gotten worse for me the last couple of years. I pray daily for strength to endure and come out on the other side of menopause. Praying for all of you ladies GOD Bless
kelly55079 alison91416
Yes, it's tough.. I think my problem is my boys are growing up and I'm no longer in total control.. I find myself trying to take a back seat BUT it's very difficult. I don't want them to think I'm a psycho mom!! My son has been driving for a few months now (our cars, our rules) BUT I know once he gets his own car I will be worried sick!! I don't know why I'm like this-- perhaps I need to 'get a life' so I don't worry so much.
alison91416 kelly55079
Hi Kelly
thanks for replying. Im trying to be positive and accept that I will worry. This too will pass......