Not a good week for me!!
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Boy oh boy I'm certainly not having a good week at all.....woke up this morning feeling like crap....
by dinner time I was getting some really strong bad pain? In my stomach area? Under my ribs central on my right side by my belly button? Is this peri related ? I have had this before not long ago but I slept it off as I was lucky enough it started as I was in bed?.
had this for few hours now taken some Gaviscon a nirofen plus tablet which none have done any good.
the pain now is mild but uncomfortable. Can I ask if anyone has any ideas what this could be?is it something I should be querying with the doctor, the last time I did mention to the doctor he said it could be IBSEN and try Buscion??? Soooo I did try and did help abit but I don't have ins as I had this ruled out not long ago by a GP!!
i go regularly to the toilet anyway!!.the pain comes randomly and as I write this,does anyone have any suggestio's please
.as I have a family it's not that easy to just to go upto bed as my partner is out!! And have tea's to make very soon....any help please..
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PS I have been feeling VERY SICK with this also?
Kadija1966 Shelly0069
i have had some of the same problem since started peri, it comes and goes...mine is left side of my abdomen and just under my ribcage. Can get very painful indeed, My doctor says it's reflux and have been taking omeprazole and also gelucil, it's help me a lot, I have also cut down on spicy foods and greasy food as it makes it worse....Pain have stopped.
maybe try checking it out with your doctor to see what he says about your symptoms....
elaine33371 Shelly0069
bobbysgirl Shelly0069
Does the pain come in waves? The reason I ask is that I had endometriosis on my gut - just to the right of my belly button and your description sounded so familiar. It was such an odd place for it to be that the 'experts' were treating me for IBS for ages - and getting nowhere. It flared up every month irritating my gut and making me feel nauseous. I don't like taking things like Gaviscon but ginger tea and nibbling a piece of candied ginger were very soothing.
Hope you get it sorted soon
Zigangie Shelly0069
I wonder why it always seem to be the right side?
Anyway hot water bottle and agree with bobbysgirl ginger tea it works wonders for nausea.
jalvarez1010 Shelly0069
I would see the docotr, the area your referring to is where your liver and other vital organs such as bladder, pancreas. It can be many things. Good luck!
pinkcatfairy Shelly0069
With peri i had gastitis that was more discomfort to the left (obviously where stomach sits) could be anything digestive or possibly gallbladder related? I also had infected gallbladder years ago and this affected me more to the right side, also with gallbladder it affects shoulder blade (pain) the right one x
pinkcatfairy Shelly0069
sophie76397 Shelly0069
Zigangie sophie76397
Like pinkcatfairy says your Gall bladder hurts on top of your shoulder.
I sometimes get that pain under the right rib and it does seem to be if I've eaten a lot of fat so it probably is coming from the gall bladder.
But my husband had it also my grandmother and their pain was on the top if their shoulders.
im still not 100% and I think them days now are well gone.......??
anway should say I'm still not to gooooood!
with so many different suggestions I'm going to go and get this checked out
just hope they listen to me and not hopefully fob me off !!.
i have mentioned this before to a doctor he just assumed IBS!!'
so thanks again to you all..x
pinkcatfairy Shelly0069
jalvarez1010 Shelly0069
elaine33371 jalvarez1010