Not again!

Posted , 6 users are following.

Ok...I just want to complain. I thought the last period might have "been it" being it lasted 3 weeks. I just got my period again yesterday after 88 days. I could have screamed. I'm now 53. Just want it TO END!! Enough already. I can only pray this one doesn't last 3 weeks. AAAAArgh!

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    oh do i understand i went 161 days and got a period ughh im 51 2019 i had three periods that is the one thing i cant stand and it always comes at the wrong time i have enough symptoms this is the one thing that gets me aggravated everytime i have had long periods spotting and everything in between unfortunatly i dont think there is anything to predict the last one! i had joked with my dr about making a pill to take that once your done having kids you take it and your periods just go away for ever lol i understand and hear you i have been in your postion many months too we are hear to listen xo

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      I had a period in August last year and thought thats it my period days are over, but this January 2020. I got one. And February too. I'm 54 this year. Not sure when it's gonna stop.

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      I'm wondering how old I'm going to be for my last one. I've joked and said I'll probably be 80 years old and still getting my period. I'm getting to old for this!! I guess my body doesn't agree 😉

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      wow! 161 between! I would think I was done at that point to. What a disappointment for it to come back after that amount of time. I like the idea of a pill to make your period go away FOREVER!

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    when i turned 50 mine went away for 4 months then came back for 1 last hurrah last January. hasnt shoen its ugly head again...made it 1 yr....all done!!!

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    i hear all of you i joke too saying i will be 80 still getting a period my last one was dec but who knows thats the thing i wear pads all the time just in case soooo annoying and yes i get so p****d and annoyed i had blood work fyi not reliable i did it more out of curosity and it had me at post menopause my estrogen non existent had that done in may but i have had two periods since that blood work so theres that! i just wish we knew when the last one will be some sort of a sign

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      Chrisann - yeah, my Dr. said don't bother with the blood work being it's unreliable. They said they could do it and it may show I'm meno but may go 3 months and get another period. Too many fluctuations to be reliable. That's why most doctors don't advise it.I feel like a 3 year old in the back seat on a long trip, I keep asking "are we there yet" over and over 😉

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      hahahah i know right im a nurse which that doesnt help and my primary even said he has to do alot of research because they dont teach much about meno he was very well versed i must say and now i switched primarys and my dr now his wife is going thru it rn too i told him its like going thru puberty being pregnant and having perpetual pms i think i gave him a greater understanding about his wife and what she is going thru i used to work with him too so anyway i have hope that dec was my last period but im sure its not ughhhh plus i have two trips one in may and one in june and i have to hope i wont have it for either giant eyeroll lol

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    Hi Janet - I feel your pain! I just got mine after about almost two months. I'm going to be 55 soon. I thought I was done but could tell something was brewing; upset stomach, feeling blue etc. I had a D&C a few months ago and my doctor was really surprised I was still cycling because my FSH said so high. Now I have to get an ultrasound to see what how thick my uterine lining is. I can't believe it have had periods for 43 years!

    As a public service announcement, I would warn other women with regular cycles after 50 (like me) to consider an IUD with progesterone.If I had done this I wouldn't have estrogen dominance issue.Now I probably need to do something to control this so the overgrowth doesn't lead to uterine cancer.

    I hope you this is your last period but if it isn't, just know that later menopause is good for your heart, bones and skin.Feel better!

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