Not been well at all....
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Hi ladies haven't well really since last Sunday.....what with one thing after another with peri symptoms........
anway Wednesday,I really wasn't well,2hours after staring my shift I was becoming hot, on way way upstairs to my locker BOY,I felt I well it killed me walking up those stairs I was becoming hot, I'm mean real hot, my body absolutely bloody ached very lethargic, ANSIt was becoming black....when I made it paseed my
locker to the window i was slowly going the point that within seconds I had passed out and 2ladies from personnel found me....
i have NEVER fainted at all....I'd hit my head Obviosly falling back
anway half an hour later I was told I could go home obviously not fit for work, they were brilliant
anway that day I made an appoitment with my GP...and hey I'm ok nothing wrong blood pressure was fine just to be told it was probably a 1off?
im guessing probably peri related?
then the following day at work for a few times I'd go black again and get hot BUT only lasting seconds then I would bee ok? Probably happened 3times all in the morning ?
now I'm ok except for the bump on my head boy I must of given my head a massive bang the bump is a big one?
has this happened to anyone else? Or do you know if it's peri related ? The doctor wasn't at all concerned
can anyone help me out here? If it is related to the peri what should I be helping me :with : vitamins:food etc
not at the moment taking any vitamis
oh and 1more thing come just after lunch I'm starting to become tired! What should I be taking for this...I'm getting on average 8-9 hours sleep so I know this isn't happening because I'm lacking sleep
im 46..slim build...NOStress drink plenty of water any advice would help me out massively here ladies.
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bobbysgirl Shelly0069
Shelly0069 bobbysgirl
my vitamin D has been low abit now and I'm on Fultium-D 800iu capsules.have been a while now.
as I should b reading 50 and was only 40!
been a while now this has only happened this once though?.
jamie50513 Shelly0069
I'm sorry that happened to you. You seem to be doing everything right. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions on that. But that happened to me one time. I didn't pass out, but I got suddenly so hot, that I thought I was, I started sweating, head got woozy, and had to sit down. I believe it is peri related. Did you get the bump on your head checked out?
Shelly0069 jamie50513
It's so frustrating when things happen and no one knows why?
my doctor wasn't at all fased at all, that I'd passed out, took my blood pressure. Just saying its probably a one off?
my bump is a mighty big bump, and bloody hurts when I brush my hair and catch it!!!!!!.
Luckly had no headaches though, Neh didn't get it checked doctor didn't even ask to check my head!!!!!?.
just interested to hear of someone anyone for some advice as to what it could be?
What I can do/ eat /take to help myself and try to prevent it happening again? God I don't know just abit a tiny tiny bit of help would be ever so helpful!!'.
thanks anyway.
jamie50513 Shelly0069
I'm sure one of the ladies will have some advice for you. Hope you feel well soon. Big hugs to you.
ellacraig Shelly0069
I do feel the dr should have done more. I mean if your hormones are making you faint then he should have ordered some blood work.
What IF it happens when you are driving....
ellacraig jamie50513
i live by the beach in a coastal town and MY levels were bordering on low. I take up to 5000-7000mg vit d per week.
gentleballads Shelly0069
i so feel like that when im walking that i purposely keep both my hands up front flat ready to shock proof any fall i might have so i dont hurt my head ( maybe we should wear helmets !! )
on stairs i always hold on to the side banister ( or whadyoumaycallit )
elaine33371 Shelly0069
Zigangie Shelly0069
I found a good quality multivitamin plus separate b12 and magnesium.
I never actually fainted but was close a few times.
Worst at at shop once when like you I came over so hot and it wouldn't go I ended up sitting on the pavement with my head between my legs.
The awful tired suddenly they call crashing fatigue. I always seemed to get that worse after a really hot time as well.
elaine33371 Zigangie
have the meds helped at all?