Not having a good day
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Feeing sick to day anxiety has got to me to day My mum asked me if i was going to work said i was going next week but feel sick just thinking about it they had tobring me home when i started with peri just fed up with it all i try to be positivebut it is hard I take 50mg vb6 dont know weather to up the does
Paula xx
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Tracky paula20385
shaznay96184 paula20385
I've just sent a mega-long email to my neice who's expecting her 2nd daughter in a few wks time. She asked how I was, and am I enjoying my 'forum' - this.
Well my answer was Yes! paula, love, we are all in this together, and probably for the long run. I think you should use this site to vent your spleen; unload your concerns and worries and take some comfort that you're not on your own.
For me, my sense of humour is my savour. Me and the ol' man laugh as we have throughout the 36yrs I've known him. I'm going to Tea with my menopausal, 62yr old sister today and expect to be roaring up about anything and everything. We take the p*ss out of life in general, and come out the other end giggling like kids.
Don't think for a minute that either of us are 'Happy Annies' all the time. I'm a definite 'glass half empty'-type (I like to call myself a realist!), and that particular sister is on the verge or knocking someone out at the drop of a hat!
But her saviour has been HRT for the past 7rs.....and her sense of humour!
I think I've only really just started my proper journey down the 'Red Brick Road', but hey, we all have to go through it.
I read on here how some women are clearly very low and feel full of despair. My advice is go see your GP. Its very likely they'll prescribe you SSRIs, which for some can be a lifesaver. But they're not for me just yet, but I know that many women do benefit from them greatly.
Have to say that following a 19 day bleed (over Xmas into NY), with the blackest of moods (at 54 I missed my mum and dad and kept thinking of our great Christmases - happens ever year I now know
) I am now on a sort of bi-polar-proportion, unrealistic 'High'. Hey, I'll have what's given mate, cos for the past 5 days or so I've felt great, like the old 'me' I'm under no illusions that as quick as I started to feel great, I'll feel like c**p again very soon. I just hope that I don't bleed for so long as that really gets on my wick!!! Hurry up and get irregular/miss a Period!!
Cheer Up love. You sound like you've a loving family around you. Maybe get yourself to the most sympathetic GP in the Practice, and tell them exactly how low you're feeling. I know that I'm not the world's greatest fan of SSRIs (family-connected reasons: long story) but they do work for so many people.
Alternatively, have a read of some threads about 'depression/anxiety' or 'vits and supps to take in Peri' on here. There are some women posting on here who's advice I'd take any day over an ill-informed, textbook-reciting GP. They've lived it and are coming/come out the other side of this bloody horrible curse, so spend a while looking through some different chat threads. You'll be amazed at how unalone you are with your concerns. Plus you may find advise that's just right for you!
(There! see what I mean about the unnatural 'High' - I've been typing as fast as I've been speaking this week
Good Luck x
paula20385 shaznay96184
Camikitten paula20385
It's a complete roller coaster we are on at the minute and some days the dips/lows are horrendous.
Like Shaznay I have had an awful couple of weeks over new year ( missing deceased family, non stop PV loss, anxieties and feeling so irritated with everything)
However this last week I've felt great, I've got a week off work which helps and I've been for a haircut, had a couple of lunch dates with friends and am planning a spot of retail therapy for tomorrow. If only i felt like this all the time. No doubt in a week or so the anxieties and other symptoms will read there ugly heads but this week I'm going to enjoy it while I feel better.
I've tried to remember my vits too which I'm sure is helping.. B6, A, D, cod liver oil and evening primrose oil. Although I'm planning to start on b12 too.
Sending you hugs and wishing you a much better day tomorrow. Xx
paula20385 Camikitten
paula xx
jeanette59389 paula20385