not having a good day
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Hi ladies,
How does a person know when they are out of premenopause, going into menopause.
I seriously can't remember the last time I have had a period. Needless to say these past few day's have been hell. Just hell.
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debbie75601 juliesutton
juliesutton debbie75601
debbie75601 juliesutton
juliesutton debbie75601
debbie75601 juliesutton
Zigangie debbie75601
debbie, if you are in the UK you can get bio identical HRT on the NHS.
The one I'm on oestrogel and Utrogestan are recommended by one of this countries top meno experts. If I mention the products and his name together I get moderated!
After much research when I found that out I took a big breath went to see my own GP and asked for the HRT by name telling her about my research. She had heard of the expert, agreed, seemed a bit impressed that I had done some 'homework' knew who I was talking about and said of the HRT 'oh that's much more natural' (she had offered premarin, horse urine previously)
PM me if you want his name as he has quite a bit of very interesting menopause info online.
juliesutton debbie75601
I wonder if having a full Hysterectomy Would just end all.this BS.
elaine33371 Zigangie
Zigangie elaine33371
I did have a cervical cancer scare a few years ago cn11 I refused surgery and further exploration as I felt better in myself than six months before they found it.
I am also a smoker and they don't normally give it to you if you smoke.
I'm not too sure if cervical cancer is an estrogen loving cancer, I always see the same doctor so she is aware of my history.
Zigangie juliesutton
I was a bit like you and luckily my husband could remember my lady one was just after my 51st birthday.
I was obviously aware that it had been some time.
In that year the symptoms that were most noticeable were instead of being hot sometimes I was hot most of the time. I had more palpitations and they lasted longer.
I wanted to eat sweets chocolate and cakes all the time.
My libido went from 'if you really have to' to 'just leave me alone' almost repulsed by the whole idea of it. Down below so very dry and itchy uncomfortable and sometimes painful. No more wearing jeans. A lot of odd aches and pains.
My memory had started playing up in early peri, forgetting words and keep saying um um while I tried to remember what I was saying.
This became scary where if I forgot what I was saying I would grope around and my brain was completely empty. I would ask someone can you pass me the after a really long pause all my head could muster would be the colour of the item required. So a fork was a silver thing and Brussels sprouts green things (peas! My daughter filled in for me) yeah but bigger green things lol.
HRT has helped a lot with it all. The awful cooking inside and libido which were my main reasons for trying it. But I love having my brain back and I would take it just for that reason. I think I found the memory stuff so embarrassing and scary too
juliesutton Zigangie
Boy I have everthing you have mentioned. And still am. And I say um all the time, even right in the middle of having a conversation. Man talk about embarrassed.
My husband usually does k ow when my last period was to but not this one time
I usually write it down, but gee I forgot. Lol
I do appreciate your input, eases the mind a bit. It's just been an awful few day's. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for us all
Well off to bed to sleep some more. Have a great day
unico31026 juliesutton
juliesutton unico31026
This journey needs to come to an end
I don't even know I am.y skin is aging rapidly, and I have tried everything, talk about a disgrace for a women 48 headed towards 49. Man just not fair. And it's all due to hormones. Well here's to us women just hanging in there by a thread. Hang in there ladies. .
michelle50768 juliesutton
elaine33371 juliesutton
juliesutton elaine33371
elaine33371 juliesutton
juliesutton elaine33371
Now that's not whatI wanted to hear. 11 months close and period started, oh gosh. Well I guess just keep fingers crossed. I know this is a long process of changes but I know u have been going through pre, linger than what I been told. A women knows her body better than anyone. I know it's been since I was 38. Now I'm going on 49. I gotta be close
right? . Ughhh
michelle50768 juliesutton
Im hoping and praying its coming to an end!!!
God help us all x
Zigangie juliesutton
Mine were not that far apart but I had a few gaps of 3 or 4 months without then another 3 or 4 with, by the time they had stopped I had given up counting.
Luckily my husband knew and last one was just after 51st birthday.
elaine33371 juliesutton
elaine33371 michelle50768
juliesutton elaine33371
juliesutton elaine33371
Thank God I found this chat room of you ladies. I guess waiting is just what I will ha e to's been a rough couple of years for sure. Still going through the symptoms of wanting to start my period but nothing so far. Look I'm just babbling. Thank you for your input getting back to me. Have a great day
juliesutton Zigangie