Not related.....colonoscopy
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I know it's not related BUT I guess my anxiety is getting up there. Do we really need this. My spouse is having his this week so I have been reading up on it.. I really don't want to do this and probably won't schedule for a long while.. I can't imagine all the prep would make me nervous. He is looking forward to it because he THINKS he will lose weight and be thin again-- I don't think this is the case. Do people go to their regular routine the day after the test.. Thank-you
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katyD211 kelly55079
well it is not a fun test, but if they find anything they get it while they're in there!
The prep is awful , get ready to stay by the toilet.
I had my first at 49, time for another bur doc says no immediate rush now that I'm 60.
Daughter turned 40 amd had one last week.
Back to work and normal activities next day.
nancys21 kelly55079
Hi Kelly. I had one several years ago. One of the easiest things ever. You will lose some weight. That prep really cleans you out. Think I dropped 5 lbs. easy. The worst part for most people is drinking the prep. I drink at least a gallon of water every day, so for me it was easy. So many people are so turned off by that, they can now just test through a stool sample. I honestly felt much better afterwards. Not pleasant by any means, but not the nightmare we make it out to be at all. Easy, peasy. Right back to normal right after. It's NOT that bad at all. I even told my gp that I'd do it again, as I'm "at that age" And he suggested the new way of just sending in a stool sample. Don't sweat it!😀
p.s. I don't think anyone loses much more than 5 lbs., but it does make one feel better.
anxiousface kelly55079
i had one about two years ago and its fine really, its just drinking all that funny tasting stuff the day before and being near a toilet thats the hard bit but the actual procedure is nothing.
you'll be fine honestly and i did feel cleansed afterwards and promised myself id eat no more rubbish but unfortunately that didn't last.
Thank-you for your replies.. I took a big deep breathe after reading. Easy Peasy, eh?? I do drink a lot of water so maybe that will help.. Ok, when the doctor says it's time, I'll come back here to re-read..I'm surprised 'they' haven't developed a better tasting liquid to drink.
Thank-you for your replies.. I took a big deep breathe after reading. Easy Peasy, eh?? I do drink a lot of water so maybe that will help.. Ok, when the doctor says it's time, I'll come back here to re-read..I'm surprised 'they' haven't developed a better tasting liquid to drink.
staci88515 kelly55079
Hi Kelly, I just wanted to say that it is so important for you to have the colonoscopy. My mother was diagnosed with colon cancer four years ago. She waited so long that she was severely anemic and the tumor was the size of a, "small football." Apparently, it had been growing for over a decade. She had to have a colon resection and has had a rocky road ever since her diagnosis. Colon cancer is 100% treatable if caught early. A colonoscopy is one of those tests that can literally save your life. My mother has had several colonoscopies since then and is in her late 70's. I know it is scary and the prep is NOT fun, but you can do HAVE to do it. Good luck! xoxo P.S. Mom is always fine later that day and totally back to normal by the next day. If they remove a polyp, you might poop a little blood.
kelly55079 staci88515
Thank-you for sharing... And I'm sure absolutely frightening.. I'm glad she is doing well! Yes it's the classic 'ohh nothing will happen to me' --- You just never know.. I turn 50 next month so I'm sure the doctor will write up an order.
Takingtime kelly55079
Hi Kelly, I feel the same, I know it is a great test to have even for piece of mind, but it seems so invasive when you have to do a big cleanse, and then go and get sedated and have a camera shoved up your behind and you lay there vulnerable on the table. I have been just doing the stool samples for the last couple of years I started at 42, I am now 45 and wonder should I? In our province it is recommended to start screening at 50 with the stool sample and if it comes back positive then a colonoscopy is required, so fat thankfully mine have been negative, but I also read that stool samples are only 75% accurate as it basically looking for blood in the stool. My paternal uncle and grandmother had colon cancer, in their early 60's so there is some genetics I need to also think of. I do have irritable bowels and perimenopause has brought this on, so I know at some point even for piece of mind I will do this. I too am terrified of the process! Good Luck!
Thanks for replying!!! Yes very invasive.. Nancy (above) mentioned the stool samples so it got me thinking how accurate is it??I think on the west coast (California) they opt for the stool samples UNLESS you have family history.. So yes, you have family so you must defiantly take this into consideration for your health.I'm sure once we make our minds up, we'll jump in and do it--- but I'm going to research some better tasting stuff. I heard that the insurance covers the regular stuff but we can actually buy the better tasting stuff-- this woman told me it was around $100.00.Take Care