Not sure how to describe

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I've never fainted and rarely had a migraine but yesterday while out walking every now and then when I blinked my vision went black for a second. When I got back and sat down I noticed my hands were unsteady like my sugar levels were down. Ate lunch and symptoms disappeared. Anybody else experience this?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi loubylou, I have experienced the fainting feeling. Not the black out vision. I get a head rush type feeling and shaky if I need to eat or drink. I am not diabetic, just like you described low sugar feeling. Funny, before all this...I would go hours without eating and it would not bother me. Now I have to carry snacks around. Is your blood pressure low? Mine runs on the lower side and I am small framed. I think that has something to do with it too. A dr last year told me she thought I had real cure that does me no good!

  • Posted

    yes i can get this....even throughout the night. ivr gotten up at 3am and had to have a large bowl of porridge....all part of the 'change'...It will pass with time. check in here for support and mind yourself...its all very scary when it all kicks off as our bodies try to adjust. CK

  • Posted

    yes i can get this....even throughout the night. ivr gotten up at 3am and had to have a large bowl of porridge....all part of the 'change'...It will pass with time. check in here for support and mind yourself...its all very scary when it all kicks off as our bodies try to adjust. CK

  • Posted

    yes i can get this....even throughout the night. ivr gotten up at 3am and had to have a large bowl of porridge....all part of the 'change'...It will pass with time. check in here for support and mind yourself...its all very scary when it all kicks off as our bodies try to adjust. CK

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