Not sure there is answers

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I had a hysterectomy (quarter of 1 ovary left) back in 1995, and since late teens have suffered from hypothyroidism. In retrospect I should of noticed that I wasn’t feeling the cold as much, getting hot when doing any work and waking hot in the night. In 2014 my lovely husband passed away out of the blue and for 2 years I was in complete denial. In January 2016 I began feeling really low and depressed and thought that maybe I needed some help, but before I could BOOM! I started with what I thought was a tummy bug and it all went down hill from there. Within the next 6 months I went to A&E 6 times and was MISdiagnosed with anything from crohns to overmedication of thyroxine. It was then I went to see an endocrinologist privately to sort out my thyroid, best thing I did he actually listened! Well I wasn’t overmedicated at all but he did tell me that with my age hormonal shifts can affect thyroid, it was then the penny dropped I did a bit of research, of course what an idiot I had been MENOPAUSE!!

I also decided to seek help from a therapist and discovered I was also suffering from complicated grief, anxiety & PTSD, who I still see to this day. I am certainly much better now and each year gets slightly better.

My symptoms of which I can remember :

No appetite – I couldn’t eat or drink much for around 6 months all I managed was ice chips and an odd bowl of rice I nibbled on crackers. I lost nearly 2 stone in this time.

Bowel and stomach pain which was crippling.

24/7 Nausea just awful.

Heat Intolerance- couldn’t stand heat generally, no hot showers only cold and couldn’t bear a hair dryer.

Insomnia – 1 to 2 hours sleep at best.

Difficulty swallowing – like my throat had something in it.

Dry mouth.


Diarrhoea for months on end.

Weight gain -well the 2 stone I lost turned into 3 stone gained which won’t budge now.

Tiredness & Exhaustion.

Anxiety, Anxiety,Anxiety Oh brother! Where to begin. I turned into gibbering wreck and became agoraphobic.

Chest tightness

Pounding heart



Brain fog & lack of concentration

Loss of confidence even afraid to drive ( been driving over 30 years)

Constant headaches

Tremors and shakes both internally and externally

Brain zaps.

Hot Flushes & Night Sweats – these were continual one after the other 24/7

I have probably forgotten loads.

I am guessing by now I am probably post menopausal.

All I can say is as time passes symptoms get a bit easier, and others disappear if only we knew which ones and when.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Ur right mam..Hang is there..Perimenopause tought phase...transition to other phase of life..will pass .me in Peri from last year..having soo many symtoms.....Stuggling too having shaking in legs..sometimes its difficult to walk.

    .every day i remind myself this phase will pass ..hoping for better days

    nice to read that ur fine and as time passes symtoms will be disappears..

    Thanks for post mam



  • Posted

    I forgot joint and muscle pain

    Panic attacks.

    Feeling of isolation.

    Health anxiety

    Feeling something was wrong

    Visual disturbances

    Skin changes

    Vaginal dryness


    I also remember thinking that if the nausea went then I would be okay then it went of course I wasn't okay, then it was the inner vibration and then anxiety etc ...

    Now my remaining symptoms are really annoying somedays they p... me off.

    Hugs to all xx

  • Posted

    thank you for your post I've had every symptom you mentioned many have gone but so many remain, can I ask how many years til you had more good days then bad? I'm going on 9 years of this crap and for the past almost 4 years its been non stop this week has been very bad for me just ended cycle. I just don't know how to keep going feeling like I'm gonna die from a horrible disease not being found. thanks again for posting I'll hold on to hope for better days

    • Posted


      Sorry you are feeling bad. Everything I have read suggests that symptoms really increase as you approach menopause itself, if this is more or less true than I am speculating that my actual meno year was sometime during 2016 as this was when I was a crazy lady!! My symptoms were really bad for about 2 years then the next 6 months got a bit easier and so on. I am still a work in progress but think now I handle my remaining symptoms a bit better, anxiety was the worse one to conquer. I too was convinced that I had some awful disease but after being prodded and probed I began to accept that is must be menopause. I think we suffer with health anxiety because meno sends our bodies into freefall and it really feels like something is wrong. It reminds me of Arthur Conan Doyle quotes of Sherlock Holmes “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” and “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” Hope you soon have brighter days ahead Take care

  • Posted

    where did you find all them menopause symptoms

  • Posted

    where did you find all them menopause symptoms I am going through menopause to please help.

    • Posted


      The symptoms listed are what I have personally experienced, but there is a post on here from jaynejay listing the 66 symptoms of menopause. Hope this helps

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