Not taking HRT
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I have decided not to take HRT for many reasons, but I wondered for those that dont take it, what supplements, creams etc, would you definitely say is an absolute MUST...
Also the skin on my face, is ridiculously dry, any suggestion would be appreciated, as I actually applied vaseline the other day!
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jayneejay Guppy007
i do t take HRT either, too risky with family history..
what you must take is NateCal ( calcium and Vit D3) mix tablet, sold worldwide.. for bones etc, I take Estroven Maximum i get it off ebay from usa, also Maca is good, and Vit B6 from farmacia, i get mine here they are 300mg but i take half at moment, also, vit B1 as not only good, but mozzys dont eat you either they hate it..
as dor dry skin, mines okay but I do use Xhekpon crema it has collagen, also from farmacia, and very cheap and very good... i also use roc retinol its good to.. hope that helps Jay
Guppy007 jayneejay
kerry91 Guppy007
I agree with Jaynee Vit B supplement is a must, B50 or B100 provide everything you need. I'm currently trying Vitex Agnus castus, it's a plant extract which helps to level your hormones without adding anything (it's not a phytoestrogen) so it can't add to the imbalance, you need to take it for a month or two to feel the benefits apparently. Magnesium calcium and zinc are also important. Try Vit E for your skin.
tbird29466 Guppy007
jayneejay tbird29466
thanks for your concerns, appreciate all peoples concerns.
I am in almost year 9 of peri...
vits etc and natural as possible remedies are safe for me and fine in my case..cant speak for everyone, they help me no end.. and I cannot do the peri of 9 years with no assistance at all. and the Vit B from the farmacia which is a good strength has utterly made me feel alot better...
thats the road I choose... I would never knowingly take HRT Hormones from a Doc or over the counter....
I did try the natural progesterone cream a few years ago, natural ... wasnt the side effects I had ... after using as stated etc, and Doc suggeating it even though knowing HRT was risky ... after a few months I developed very tender breasts and a lump in one, and was advised to stop natural progesterone cream, a few months after stopping and checks my lump had gone.. so I understand what your saying 😀
the Estroven Max tabs are not a hormone like that.. and they have been wonderful for me..
thanks ... Jay
Chrisy Guppy007