Ocular migraine

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ladies please respond that get these im scared my vision seemed weird then the squiggly lines i chewed two Tylenol the squiggly lines seems to be fading but my vision still nit right like i cant see clear and spots is this what you women experience

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    now the headache is coming i tokd my dr she says ocular migraines some women get them they scare me im very woozy headed now fo you women do this too

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    Pamela I get these type of migraines also. It effects your vision, like its pixalated?

    • Posted

      god its horrible make me feel real woozy and uncoordinated anxiety doesn't help i know some ladies have responded on my other post about these its the drunk woozy and uncoordinated feeling that freaks me out right along with the vision crap do you get that as well?

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      Yes I do and lately I get the woozy feeling without the migraine. I feel like my inner self is rocking on a boat which makes me unsteady its such a hard feeling to explain

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      i have that too all this is tiring i pray i dont get another one

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    hi Pamela - its probably passed by now, but did you get a little nauseous after it hit? i always get sick to my stomach for a bit & have to lay down for a bit - My opthamolgist said to track what you ate that day also, because the food can be triggers - i remember my first one, i had had more coffee than i usually drink, didnt have a good breakfast with protein & for lunch i ate a chocolate bar - i know, im bad! thought i was having a stroke - so scary! take care -

    • Posted

      no nausea but with the panic my left hand was numb tingling fot about 10 min that made panic worse why we have to live like this ugh

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    hi pamela,

    I get these migraines too. i remember the first one was about 5 years ago, i was 44, i also thought i was having a stroke. Theyre awful.

    Since i lost my job due to Covid, ive been getting them more often. i think its the food im eating, (more often, more carbs/sugar, no exercise) etc.

    i usually only get them near to when i start my period.

    Skipped period the ENTIRE month of March. (thats where MY anxiety is right now LOL, like....whyd i skip? is something wrong? or is IT finally starting? lol)

    Youll be fine, thyere scary but youre OKAY. Also, i take 3 ibuprophren as soon as i see the squiggly lines and never get the headache. Ever. 😃

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    My first one was at 43. I've had four total...all different. Since the first one, my vision has never been the same. I find them terrifying and instantly have a panic attack. It's an awful way to live. Every day I fear another one.

    • Posted

      yes me too pray dont return makes me feel groggy and uncoordinated

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    I get these and definitely scary.. mine bounce to 4 different types of migraines , ocular is one of them.. they all have the drunk unsteady blurry wavy vision symptoms, also nausea, vomiting.. numbness one side of body.. confusion, and a feeling like you cant move your body during the actual attack.. I had a hysterectomy in my 20s but still have ovaries, I'm 49 now and have been experiencing very bad symptoms since I turned 45.. milder symptoms since my hysterectomy.. I remember getting my period at the end of every month and then ovulating 14 days later with bad ovary pain every month.. so even though I have no way of tracking my menopause with periods or lack of them , I do still get these very bad symptoms and migraines being one of them at these same days every month that I would have been having a period or ovulating.. end of month and 14 days later (mid month) are torture for me..

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      numbness i had in my hand and fingers tingked for like 10 min scared me to death i cant do these i pray to god they stop been praying all day to not get another

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    also Pamela the blurry squiggly blurry vision is the aura before the actual migraine.. that's the migraine letting you know its coming , same with the dizziness drunk unsteady feeling ..not fun!!

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