Odorless discharge
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Hello ladies,
I am four years into full menopause, and sometimes I have little mucusy odorless discharge, which became more frequent recently. I called my gynecologist last week and talked to gyno nurse, and she just called me now saying the doctor would like to do sonogram, just to make sure everything is OK. They have an opening this afternoon, and they will do it in the clinic, so that doctor will talk to me immediately afterwards. I am very scared and anxious. Any words of comfort would help
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debra16694 lana26181
hi lana - i am 7 years post, & i remember about 3 years after my period ended getting loads of odorless discharge as well...mine was more like one large discharge. i remember asking a friend about it & she said it was like your last big ovulation. It sounded reasonable enough to me & i never questioned it to my dr (stupid me). Its good that you are checking it out, it will put your mind at ease knowing everything is ok. Try not to overthink this, i know its difficult especially in times like this. Everyday, i have weird aches & pains, headaches, heart palps, burning body parts & when i let my anxiety overcome me, my physical symptoms get worse - try to trust that this is all part of the process & stay calm.
katyD211 lana26181
Hi Lana...I'm sure everything is fine. Trust me when I say i understand your fear n anxiety but I swear the longer I live the more i realize that saying is true...99% of what we worry about never happens. My Mom used to say that to me all the time...
My menopause still isnt official in that i still have short bleeds and I'm 60. seems women in my family go late and my doctor has done ultrasounds et al. so i do understand but I'm praying all is well.
Keep us posted..hugs through cyberspace ππΎπ
andrea00523 lana26181
Hi Lana,
How was your sonogram and visit to the Dr. today?
Here for you, Andrea
Dear Debra, Katy and Andrea, thank you so much for your replies.
They did sonogram ( ultrasound), and that was completely normal. The doctor said she suspects that I have almost no estrogen left at all, and that is causing maybe even little infection, because my discharge , although odorless, is yellowish, not white. She told me to go with Estrogen cream three night a week ( I have been using it once or rarely two nights a week). She said to keep it at least one month . If that does not help , although she thinks it should, then she says the only other reason may be a polyp high in the uterus, hence not seen during sonogram. That is though rare, and benign.
My vaginal skin is also cracked in one spot, and sore, and that sometimes happens to me, and this same doctor diagnosed me a year ago with pretty severe vaginal atrophy. I will try to heal, and see what happens. The worst thing is, however, that last evening, when I came back from the clinic, when I wiped after peeing, it was , it looked to me, little pale blood tinged. However, it may be from the raw skin, and as I said, I have this cracked spot. I hope this will calm soon. Regardless of my ultrasound being normal, I still have anxiety about this.
2chr2015 lana26181
great news about tour sonogram! keep us updated on if the cream seems to be working..((hugs))
lana26181 2chr2015
Guys, I will keep you posted, and hugs to you too!
debra16694 lana26181
oh lana, thats great news! i know you are still anxious about this, but it has to make you feel a little bit better that all is OK - yeah, this menopause thing is really for the birds - try to just remind yourself that this is part of the process & you will get thru it -
katyD211 lana26181
yayyyyyy!!!! Have a big glass of wine and chill! or better yet just put a straw into the bottle!!!π€£ Enjoy the good moments!