Off balance - anyone come out the other end?
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Hello Ladies,
I have mentioned from previous posts that I have an off balance sensation when I walk which is very hard to cope with as it's daily and has stopped me from going out.
I am sure I am in the peri stage at 45 and periods closer together and heavy. I have just started the mini pill to try and stop my periods as I suffer low ferritin. Too early to say if that is working - fingers crossed. I am taking iron pills to increase my stores so I can then rule that out.
I have also started a low dose of citalopram (5mg) as 4 days on 10mg and it completely destroyed me. I definitely am very anxious and think I have panic attacks although I try and disguise them.
Anyhow, has any one suffered badly with the off balance feeeling and managed to come out the other side?
Thank you
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Sassyr12a Louise4586
Hi louise
I've experienced this due to low iron and a dodgy back. I know it's awful and actually somehow saps your confidence. I have it a bit at the moment but I'm working on acceptance, so instead of worrying, I'm just feeling it. It can be a bit hit and miss I won't lie, but I just try to remind myself that it doesn't matter what's causing it if I'm taking tablets it won't be dangerous. Good luck and don't worry if poss, I think it makes it wiesexx
lori93950 Louise4586
anxiousface Louise4586
Gypsy014 Louise4586
Hi yes got this very bad when Peri was bad for me at 45, something must go off at the age of 45 that brings on all these symptoms right at that age... But just exactly how anxiousface describes I could have wrote what she just wrote.. Lol not fun at all.. And all though I can't say either that I've come out the other end , I can say it came on very strong and lasted about 6 to 8 months straight and then lifted a bit not as intense, I couldn't even go into a big store, where I'd be standing very long I would have no stamina and need to sit down or pass out feeling, and I felt I was walking sideways and always always I use the grocery cart to lean on.. Today it happened to me in the store and had to turn around and leave, I got very unbalanced shaky with blurry vision, and sweaty feet and hands, I just left.. But this is the days my hormones are switcharooing on me and I should start to feel like sh#t for the next 3 weeks so that explains my episode today.. But anyhow I'm still here its scary and annoying as hell but it hasn't done me in yet...
lori93950 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 lori93950
lori93950 Gypsy014
Why oh why didn’t anybody warn us ? I mean EVERYTHING you need to know is out there online everywhere but this subject is hardly touched upon .... it’s a crime !
anxiousface Gypsy014
Gypsy014 anxiousface
Hi anxiousface, I feel exactly the same, and yes the headaches/migraines and sinus pressure are all with me too and the cold chills I get especially during a migraine.. The store issues I just can't seem to figure out its such an uneasy feeling being in a big store, I always always feel some kind of way to where I have to get out of there quickly, either I'm off balanced that sideways kind of walking feeling or I'm weak and skaky and cant stand in line long enough to check out or I get worse,,, so I just go into the real small pharmacy stores so I can be in and right back out.. My eyesight is also affected , very bad dry eyes, especially my right one is red and inflamed.. And blurry, lights bother me bad gives me migraines, feels like the fluorescent lighting goes right through my brain and eyes as soon as I enter a certain store with too much of the fluorescent lighting... Yes you'd think that one would get use to all this mess but I just can't either.. I wait and wait for this to all end and it just keeps on .. So frustrating 😢
Finny2018 Gypsy014
This describes me - I have such a passion for life! I love people! This feeling/passion seemed to all come to a screeching halt - along with TONS of physical symptoms - the month of my last period in June.
Over the weekend, I posted that I just need to accept that this is my life and kind of consider it "bed-rest" - doing only the necessary things etc - until I am feeling more like myself. I was finding comfort in that acceptance and being willing to say no to everyone and take it easy as much as I could, etc!
For some reason - I had a GOOD day yesterday - I mean felt good from about the time I got up until I went to bed. A few hot flashes around 5:00 - but generally a good day - I was beyond thankful and went to bed and told my husband how thankful I was that yesterday I felt so much better.
Woke up today - BAM. Doom and gloom, no zest etc.
It's this roller coaster ride of emotions that is wearing me out. They physical symptoms? yes - of course - those are a struggle as well!! But I don't know - the emotions are so rugged. I start getting excited and thinking - hey! - maybe I'm rounding the bend???!!!! It's discouraging. I will be 50 in November. My mom had a few hot flashes and was completely done at 50! She falls in that 70% of women who had/have a breeze of it!
This is hard. I want my mommy!
Finny2018 lori93950
I know! It's a few good days that show up here and there these last few months....I CLING to those days!!! Gives me that glimmer of hope that I can start feeling like myself again.
I get SO excited thinking I am "coming out" of this menopause nightmare. It's just the waves of up and down, good days and bad - and the onslaught of it all was intense for me.
I laugh at myself sometimes and say YOU NEED TO MOVE ON!!!
It is WHAT IT IS! Why do I want to keep talking about it??????
anxiousface Gypsy014
Gypsy your my exact twin in all this, the only difference is I don’t get dry eyes. Everything you say I understand what you mean, I only go to small familiar stores now where I know where the exit is and do my food shopping on-line.
I just take each day as it comes and if I have a good day I cherish it as I don’t know what the next day will bring. Sending my love x
susane84679 Louise4586
oh most definitely! it is very unsettling for sure. I call it wonky head because you feel like you're walking with the walls! it was really bad for a few months and now only every now and then. that symptom subsided and 5 more took its place. fever out of nowhere, cold flashes that can last for hours and no amount of energy at all!! weakness in arms and legs, eyesight getting worse, just to name a few. hang in there and remember you are not crazy and you are not alone! hugs to you hun🙂
CarolKelso Louise4586
Just a thought... Hope you feel better soon..CK
2blessed2bstressed Louise4586
Oh Louise...
It really does SUCK!! It is such a hard feeling to describe to the doctors! They always right down dizziness in my chart! I’m like NO!! I’m not dizzy just off! Then it dawned on me, for me it feels like I’ve had just one too many drinks! I continue to work full time. Some times it just takes everything in me to just get through the day! Started going to quantum physics docs which has helped tremendously, but nothing is 💯!🤪 wishing all of us to get through this asap!!