Off Balance issues in Peri
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helloo friends
anyone having off balance problem during perimenopause? Is it also Peri symtom ? how ur dealing with it ?
I feel unstable support to stand😭
Become home bound...donot want to go out alone because of this issue .
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djRice sunaina1983
hello there. i myself am going thru the same thing. except i also get so nauseous. when i do my own research i seem to have symptoms of vertigo. i have been chewing ginger candy. but as for the off balance, i too rather stay home as im afraid since i commute to work and change trains, i might fall or pass out from the dizziness.
sunaina1983 djRice
same with me mam.scared to go out with these symtoms
Hoping for better days
Good Luck for ur journey
hopeforever djRice
djrice please get gravol. It helps like no other. I couldn't imagine commuting by train in that condition. I was a complete mess, vomiting, nausea, dizziness. Scared to go out. Gravol saved me. If you can get it, i highly recommend it
djRice hopeforever
thank you so much. im on it!!!!!
staci88515 sunaina1983
Yes! It is NOT fun in the classroom.
sunaina1983 staci88515
Tought phase of life 😭
hopeforever sunaina1983
Yes i had it terribly last week going into this week until my sister brought over gravol in liquid capsules. It help me greatly with dizziness and nausea. i was home bound like you holding onto everything, crying, vomiting and not feeling well. I highly recommend this to everyone experiencing this. Hope you feel better soon.
claire38123 sunaina1983
hi iv had this dizziness plague me for years i only found out in jan i was peri iam 46 and had an hysterectomy at 39 but kept my ovaries and its got so much worse since then i even wake in the night with the room spinning and nothing iv tried stops it for any amount of time it drives me mad, iv been told its everything from blood pressure as mine tends to be high to bppv to vertigo to spondylosis which i have in my neck wish i could just have a day were i felt normal again what with the peri anxiety,palpitations and hot flushes,sinus problems and feeling crap all the time we have to endure so much at this time of life were as we should be enjoying growing old disgracefully so good luck in getting better soon big hugs xx
synaesthAsia sunaina1983
Oh yes! Off balance as if i m walking on wire and also very clumsy. I bump into things, I hit my toes, elbows and shins on corners (ouch) and I constantly drop things. It seems like my motor skills have reversed back to the age of 4!!
pamela2016 sunaina1983
yes!! everyday all day long its hard to function and go places in bed alot and its cause bad depression your not alone