Off Balance - Lightheaded -Dizzy
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I woke up this moring with off balance very light headed and if I move quickly light headed it's that weird feeling still not totally cleared has anyone experienced this. I had pounding heart and anxiety BUT I think thats because I got scared of this really off balance and light headedness. Slight head pressure. PLEASE respond right away. Moving my head feel it too and walking Scared
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TropicalVon69 Guest
Guest TropicalVon69
I'm not on any period close to post menopause. Has any one actually woke up in the mornings from sleep with this?
Indifferent Guest
Indifferent TropicalVon69
Indifferent Guest
maria76995 Indifferent
Hi indifferent, you remind me of myself very much with symptom drunk in the head I did hate too, how weird I didn't think anyone would come on here and said they feel like this..glad you mention it
wendy36287 Guest
maddysmom2015 Guest
I get this feeling from time to time, especially in the morning. Are you dehydrated? That can contribute to the dizzyiness and the lightheadedness. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand gently. If the skin doesn't immediately snap back, you could need a big glass of water and food with a little bit of salt to retain the water.
amber1620 Guest
Funny you should say that 2 nights ago I had headache light headed and dizzy with not to bed and felt much better next day . I think it's just par for the course and nothing to worry over just gotta have good and bad days 😊
didi0613 Guest
liz67338 Guest
I've experienced this for the past year...worsened whenever I'm in artificial heat for too long..very scary....whenever I'm able to fully rest it eases up...and also after a couple of hours in steam room helps. Hope it passes for us both soon. I think it's hard for us ladies dealing with these issues when our life's are still running at 100 miles an's no wonder we get anxiety..poor us!