Off Balsnce

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Hi girls anybody feel off balance at times I was out and feel unstable walking today and my nerves picking up makes you all on edge.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maria. Yes, I get this too. It happens at various times thruout the month, when I'm ovulating and on my period. It's stressful but I try not to worry about it or that makes it worse.

    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer thank you too for your reply I will try to ignore it like all the rest of the symptoms LolĀ 
  • Posted

    Hi Maria, yes I use to get dizzy/ off balance looking back now for about 8 months straight! Didn't know what was happening to me.. (very scary) I would go into the grocery store to buy my food to cook for the day ( changed diet to all natural) and would have to turn around to leave quickly to keep from fainting. I never did faint but it sure felt like I was going to at any moment. Then when I would make it to my car I would just sit there crying devastated that this is all happening to me and that I can't even make thru the store for a few things. Anxiety panic would kick in and I would go home settle down, and try again for my few things at the store later. This is the worst time ever... Hope it passes for you soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Gypsy thank you for your reply I did not get much sleep either last night due to fright that comes on before and after sleeping awful feelings I always say the joys of meno.
    • Posted

      Hi Maria, yes ive had anxiety for the past 2 yrs and the dizzy/unsteady spells as well as panic attacks plus all the usual meno stuff. Im now 18 mths post meno, on sertraline for anxiety, dizziness has settled and sertraline has finally settled and reducing anxiety to very little thankfully, its been a nightmare! Shopping always brought it on! We'll come out the other end :-) x

  • Posted

    Hi Maria,

    Yes I get that too and have done for the past four years. It makes me very anxious xx

  • Posted

    Hello Maria, You sound so much like I was. I'm post menopause for 2yrs now and since 2012 I've been off balance but we're as it used to be daily it now only happens about twice a week randomly. I also can have a dizzy day. I understand completely how you all feel it's scary and makes me anxious but I think I'v learnt to live with it more these days as I know it will pass but like you Maria I have been to the shops and ended up coming home with nothing as felt I was going to faint. Some days I feel I will fall forward when I'm standing talking to someone which unnerves me especially when I'm at work. It's one of the many horrible symptoms of peri menopause and can continue on after as it has with me. I do hope it gets better for you and I'm sure it will but just take each day as it comes and when your having a good day enjoy it cos they not don't last. Sending you a big comforting hug x

    • Posted

      Hi, yes it's only lasted a day thank good when first started it use to be often but now I'm in late peri not so bad...Anixety too is horrible I go to bed and when I drift off is like a fright attacks me and when I do wake up and drop off again and wake up I feel horrible I'm trying to get through it and I know one day it will pass we just have accept it and deal with this it what else hugs xxx

    • Posted

      I am so grateful to have come upon this discussion. I am also about 2 years post meno and I mistakenly thought once I had my last period I would be out of the woods! I have never had a hot flash, but the dizziness and off balance feeling is something I have dealt with on and off for years. I have looked at a ton of stuff on line over the years looking for reassurance and found out there are other woman who experienced the same thing, but it's still hard to believe that nothing is horribly wrong. I still have bouts of anxiety, and lately about my health since all these weird things seem to be happening.... Dizziness, off balance ... at times I feel like I am walking sideways! ...allergies, tinnitus, etc . Blah! I wouldn't wish this nonsense on anyone, but it is comforting to know that I am not alone.

    • Posted

      No youre definitely not alone! Ive looked forward to menopause having suffered menstrual migraines for 20yrs, only to be hit with awful anxiety, palpitations, panic attacks, pins and needles in fingers, dizziness:feeling out of it, hot glushes, night rather have the agonising migraines!!!!

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