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Hi girls anyone feel like there walking feel like they going to fall over...I had the symptom in the beginning of Peri now it's back again,and this symptom to add to it pains in the head not full headache but comes suddenly let me know.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Heya Maria....I get the feeling you get sometimes when you've come down in a lift and then start walking...a bit like the ground is moving. It's often when I'm stressed or anxious and can be accompanied by shooting pains up my neck! Such lucky ladies! 

    • Posted

      WoW shooting pains in the neck from it..I thought I was bad when I told my friend that my heart palps give me a shooting pain in my head, all hormones I guess, I think I have heard people feel like they will fall over but doesn't really.

  • Posted

    yes I get that feeling like you are either swaying to one side or the other or you NOT walking straight! Plus if I even turn around to fast or look around to fast I also get dizzy, plus I can not be doing anything and suddenly get REALLY dizzy scary dizzy!  I sent a new discussion about no bra during menopause describing an issue I had with breast bit haven't had any replies.

    • Posted

      I also get dizzy easy. I always blame it on sinus problems, but who knows.
  • Posted

    You really need some serious help.
    • Posted

      are you being sarcastic? Or serious?

      I feel bad for maria and contacting a dr doesn't always help. they never have answers. That's why we are here for maria.

  • Posted

    I have been dealing with dizzy head, in one form or another, on and off for years. I kept track and it was definitely cyclical for me. It can be off balance, fuzzy head feeling, swaying feeling, like I'm not walking straight,etc. Ugh. I am 2 years without a period and I still have bouts of it 😕

  • Posted

    Hi Maria yes I have it daily I’ve been getting it years went to see my neurologist he said it’s anxiety but now looking back it’s probaly  peri .... this peri does get blamed for everything , I often think we blame peri but what if it’s not .... sometimes I can just be standing still and it feels like someone pushes me I wobble xx
  • Posted

    HI Maria,

    I get that too. Sometimes it actually feels like an invisible force is pushing on one side of my head. No pain though. UGH. it's awful.

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