Oh my gosh
Posted , 11 users are following.
i am so sick of crying and feeling bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😦
3 likes, 16 replies
Posted , 11 users are following.
i am so sick of crying and feeling bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😦
3 likes, 16 replies
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kimberly96221 pam90720
I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. I was crying so much from how horrible I was feeling that my eyes were constantly swollen. I'm actually feeling better than I have in months though. The biotec pellets I think are finally starting to work along with the anxiety med (Buspar) that I've been taking for two weeks now. I'm sleeping without waking up going out of my mind and my appetite is slowly returning. I'm starting to enjoy life a little bit again instead of staying locked up in my house all day. Lots of love to you and I hope you feel better❤
pam90720 kimberly96221
thank you kim!!! and im so happy you are doing better!!! ❤❤ im going to need to check into the pellets.. i got to do something 😦
im on buspar too... may i ask how much you are taking ?
kimberly96221 pam90720
staci88515 pam90720
I hear you. I have been on the verge of tears all day.
wendy36287 pam90720
hang in their . we are all in it
pam90720 wendy36287
Keljo48 pam90720
It's like you read my mind. I have said this very to myself today. If it isn't one thing it is another. I am almost 2 years post menopause. 51 but I feel like I am 90 and I am so sick of it all.
pam90720 Keljo48
kel!! im 2 years post also!!! ill b 51 in july and yes i feel 90!! my moms 80 and dads 86 and they run rings around me!!! my dad mows lawns and plays softball... im too tired to even walk on the treadmill! i have to hold on to the bars to keep my balance!!
geeezz!!!! hugs friend we got to stick together !!!❤❤❤
kelly55079 pam90720
Yes my elderly parents are quite busy too---- have no idea where they get their energy from but I want some! And I too, hold on the bars on the treadmill for balance.
2chr2015 pam90720
i feel the same way about my parents! what did i do wrong?? did your mom go through anything like this when she was your age?
pam90720 2chr2015
she was on HrT for 18 years... felt good on it and fine coming off it!!!
2chr2015 pam90720
thats great. are you considering hrt?
im so tired of crying too
bev27429 pam90720
Yes! Me, too! Today, I am dizzy, disoriented, bashing into things, feeling down and totally spaced out. Yesterday, I was happily riding my bike. This back and forth is an absolute nightmare! I am with you every step of the way. Stay strong. xo
pam90720 bev27429
hi bev!!! the last two days ive had bad motion sickness ... fullness in my head with dull headache.... ive been documenting all this since last july... sure does seem to be a pattern with certain days of the month! how can that be? ive had no period in 3 years but my body feels like im having one!! even get cramps like a period!! oh just shoot me now!! take care friend!!
2chr2015 bev27429
yep i feel like i only have one good day at a time....never more than one in a row
crystals51917 2chr2015
Wow! I thought it was me. One good one bad back to back. I'm so tired of this! I did take some CBD for the past 2 days and a little better but still not myself and still going through. Ugh! Love you ladies! All we have is each other.Dr don't help.