OK I haven't had a period in 4+ years and my Hormones and estrogen are making me immortal
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My Doctor will give me Nothing.... I feel like I'm
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My Doctor will give me Nothing.... I feel like I'm
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gailannie barb15093
Barb, are you sure you meant IMMORTAL? Or did you mean mortal...as in you feel like you are dying? I know that feeling.
Amazing isn't it, that you can do ok right after periods stop...but years later things change in a vey big way. It happened to me also.
barb15093 gailannie
Poops see I can't even get the right word....hahaha
shelley10976 gailannie
It happened to me too. I'm having cold flashes it feels like. My panic attacks have been once a month at the same time of month. I've had 4. I feel like my face and body is fluttering and I hate everyone!!
Angel_V barb15093
Haven't had a period in 18 months. Last October I started with very bad anxiety and a little depression. I tried antidepressants which made me feel worse. I got to the point where I wouldn't leave my house nor could I go to work. Still not working,
but feeling a little better everyday. I must of had every test under the sun since anxiety makes you feel like your dying.anyway my gastro doctor put me on librax for stomach pings and pangs. They also calm me down along with psychotherapy.
Sochima822 barb15093
barb15093 Sochima822
None.... Looking for suggestions....That work well if that's possible 😱
Sochima822 barb15093
A number of women take including I, took St. John's wort. It literally gave me back my life. It stopped the anxiety attacks and the heat palpitations, my fuzzy brain got better and within a few months I was back at work. I took it only when I had symptoms. But a word of caution, if you have high blood pressure you cannot take it. Okay I hope this helps.
Has anyone found anything that actually works..If so please share 😉
gailannie barb15093
There is no doubt that things are changing in your system. First off, please remember that when a woman stops having periods it doesn't mean that her estrogen , testosterone and progesterone are at zero. Nope, our ovaries are still giving us something. Some women stop perios with an estradiol level that hovers around 50pg/ml. It's enough for her to feel ok, just not enough to create period cycles.
So it sounds like for at least a few years, your strong ovaries were working for you. But as we continue to age, and our ovaries continue to slow down, changes occur. This is because all hormone systems in our bodies work together. They all support each other, and they all function as a unit. So when our ovaries get to an all time low, every part of our hormone system is now effected. Many women have found that hormone replacement therapy does make them feel more like their old self. And while your doctor is not interested in a trial of HRT, there are plenty who would at least let you try it, to see if it helps your current situation. Many women have also used herbal or nutritional supplements, sometimes with fairly good results. But make no mistake, our bodies are not reacting because we are now deficient in maca, st. john's wart, primrose oil, or soy.
So at this point, you can try to clean up anything in your life that might help, sleep, nutrition, exercise, or you can seek the help of another physician who is willing to explore the use of some hormone therapy. The decision is yours. But I will also mention, that there is a vast array of therapies available, and HRT is not one size fits all. Sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error to find the correct combination and something that feels right. So don't expect an immediate change or overnight recovery. You will have to get your hormones all communicating with one another again, and that takes time. Just don't get in a rush, and use the start low and go slow method.
barb15093 gailannie
Thanks for your support and knowledge....My Mom had Breast Cancer around 65 and was told that it was from 3 yrs. Of Hormone Therapy when she was Mentally sing(feels like the Right Name).
Does anything help that won't hurt me down the road.... I'm so exhausted and forgetful...Ugh😱
Shazanne barb15093
What about a second opinion Barb? HRT has come a long way since your Mom probably used it and it may be that your Doctor is being overly cautious (which is good but can sometimes be extreme).
My friend was told by her Doctor that she couldn't have HRT as her Mum had a hysterectomy as a relatively young woman - even though my friend was unaware of the reasons why her Mum had had it (her Mum has passed away so she can't find out now) Her Mum did die from cancer but it was in the lungs.
Even if a second opinion does not result in a Doctor agreeing that HRT is safe for you, it may result in you getting more advice on what you can safely do to help you feel better. You shouldn't have to suffer at this stage of your life.
gailannie barb15093
Barb, I'm sure sorry your mom had breast cancer. And even feel worse that a doctor would have told her (in essence) that she did this to herself by using hormone therapy. I've heard "doctors" say a lot of very stupid things. I can only guess that she had an estrogen sensitive form of breast cancer, and possibly was genetic tested. But still, that was a horrible thing to suggest, especially when studies simply do not support the concept that estrogen therapy causes breast cancer. Please look this information up for yourself to satisfy any questions you might have.
But I do understand why you would be cautious. And yes, there are plenty of herbs and remedies that women have tried for menopause symptoms. And maybe it's time for a good physical with plenty of blood work to look at things like your thyroid, insuln and also adrenal glands.
lena53512 gailannie
gailannie lena53512
Lena, well here's the thing about all this. I think we have difficulty seeing what this really is and does. Yes, in menopause we all stop having periods and are no longer furtile. Ok, were all happy for that. We sure don't miss having periods. However, we see this as a segment in time.....when instead this is a "rest of our life" hormone defiency. And while some women don't have annoying hot flashes, etc. What is this lack of hormones doing to ALL OF OUR SYSTEMS, TISSUES AND ORGANS?
All of our hormone systems function together. So once we lose these hormones, EVERYTHING CHANGES. After menopause, woman start having heart attacks like men. Our cholestrol changes and not in a good way. Women get into thyroid issues. Insulin resistence and type 2 diabetes becomes a problem. We don't sleep as well. Our muscles don't move like normal. All these things suggest that our bodies are trying to adjust to the lack of these chemicals.
So what I'm suggesting, is that instead of seeing menopause as a one time uncomfortable thing, we need to see it as hormone defiency that creates additional problems for our bodies.
lena53512 gailannie
It also explains behaviour of some women around me. Now i can see some pattern.
And anyway, is not the power of hormones over us... funny/terrible?