OK ladies now I do feel crazy!!!
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I went to my go last week for my monthly blood work for thyroid. I ask him if he would check hormone. Results came back normal I have had so many symptoms of Peri.. Now I'm thinking is there something wrong with me.Also is there anyone out there with under active thyroid? Mycount was slightly higher this time it was 2.75. I know this sounds silly I know that is not very high considering what it was when I was diagnosed. And I am on medication. But can that still cause you to have symptoms of under active thyroid ?
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cazjaz16 donna38794
donna38794 cazjaz16
jayneejay donna38794
the FSH (follicle stimulating hormone ) blood test, is a waste of time in early peri, hormones too erractic ..
Not until your periods decline to 3-4 per year will the blood test say in menopausal stages.. Happened to me..
12-14 months no periods = post menopause following peri menopause
Mind you if you take HRT or birth control again not accurate test
doesnt mean your not in peri
I too have just had TSH thyroid re tested as on the under active side
was last 3.61 .. so been re tested ( not on meds but was taking kelp ) so had to keep off all vits and supplements for 3 weeks to get an accurate near natural thyroid state.. Waiting results ..
jay x
nikiola18292 donna38794
Gizmo1963 donna38794
jayneejay Gizmo1963
So true.. I am 19 months post meno
& same thing.. border line underactive.. Will know more in few days when re test back of TSH, T4 and T3 ..
Hope you soon feel better on meds
Jay x
Gizmo1963 jayneejay
donna38794 Gizmo1963
Gizmo1963 donna38794
susan21149 donna38794
jayneejay susan21149
get another doctor ..
i been feeling awful lately..
just picked up my results ..
i have Vit D deficiency
Vit B12 low
underactive thyroid ( borderline)
and worst of all Blood Glucose Low Low Low just 66
which explains my constant hot flushes, sweating, no energy, aches, and constant hunger pains
doctors is it then
jay x
donna38794 susan21149