OMG!!! back and rib pain
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hi ladies here I am once again I've been having this back and rib pain for around two months now it comes and goes i ended up in the ER due to the pain I got x-rays and blood work done and everything came back normal thank God on that part but still it's so overwhelming and I'm worried can anybody relate can this be another Perimenopause symptom any feedback would be much appreciated thank you blessings to all you wonderful ladies!!!
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renee61138 marisol06794
Sounds alot like chondochities Idk lol if I spelled that right but it seems many women going through meno and peri get this. I would look into it and see what helps. Maybe an anti-inflammatory.
sharcerv52408 marisol06794
Yes Marisol, I agree with the previous post. I think it is costochronditis also. It is inflammation of the cartilage surrounding the ribs. The pain can be in your chest area right below your breasts where the ribs begin and can also be felt in the back at the same level as the chest. It is very uncomfortable and feels like a tight band is around your ribs. It makes you feel like you can't breathe. It is very common in menopause. A lot of us have mentioned having this. I get it from time to time. Try taking an ibuprofen or Aleve to see if it helps with the pain. Feel better soon. Take care!
Carolyn09280 marisol06794
I think I get something like this too- it is in my chest area. Went to Dr. to get all these heart tests done but everything came back fine. It is so annoying- more so because it worries me to death.
amandajc1969 marisol06794
I have been having this for about 6 weeks, costochondritis. Mine has all but gone, i use ibuprofen gel and ice packs 3 or 4 times a day. The ice packs have really reduced the inflammation , i only really get it in the middle of ribcage between boobs now sometimes
sara97862 marisol06794
Hi Marisol,
I have had 3 or 4 episodes over the last month that kept me awake all night.
I injured my lower back a month ago, but my entire back and all ribs have been on fire.
Just saw Physical Therapist on Tues, and he seems to think with guided stretching and strengthening it will get better.
I will keep you (and all) posted.
Take care!