OMG....I think I am losing my mind
Posted , 10 users are following.
I am 46 and think I am entering the perimenopausal zone Does anyone else get anxious/jittery???
1 like, 25 replies
Posted , 10 users are following.
I am 46 and think I am entering the perimenopausal zone Does anyone else get anxious/jittery???
1 like, 25 replies
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ImagineOneDay klm1213
klm1213 ImagineOneDay
ImagineOneDay klm1213
One moment full of energy other time big fatigue. I feel very unsocial. Have pain under right ribcage. I haven't had period for a few months but I feel very wet as if I am.having period. I have cramps....list is long. ..
klm1213 ImagineOneDay
Guest klm1213
klm1213 Guest
gilly_64426 klm1213
Welcome to the group and yes we are all having the same symptoms.
Anxiety is the beginning and then the jitters and hot flashes and cold feet. And pain in the boobs the left side speciality. Oh and the feeling of sudden doom
That's just the tip...😣
klm1213 gilly_64426
gilly_64426 klm1213
I like to watch comedy shows, go on line and look at beautiful vacation destinations.
Anything to avoid thinking deeply about doom 😣
klm1213 gilly_64426
alice1209 klm1213
So now that I am feeling even more anxious ( I’m 48) I don’t know if it’s my anxiety getting worse or I am entering another phase.
I keep getting ‘fluttering’ in my tummy and feel like I can feel my pulse throbbing in my neck... whatever the reason it’s awful and making me a nervous wreck!
klm1213 alice1209
alice1209 klm1213
It’s just so frightening, it makes me want to scream as I ‘used to be such a confident happy person, now I feel I’m anxious and exhausted all the time. I can’t honestly see me ever getting better.. I’ve been like this for 8 years, but out of now where it’s loads worse...😢
klm1213 alice1209
alice1209 klm1213
My anxiety first started after my delivery, they said it was a form of post natal... but it’s just never went, most of the time with the medication it’s fine, but recently it’s became increasingly worse and I’m feeling so ‘detached and removed’ a lot of the time... it really gets me down, which in turn makes my anxiety worse.
It’s funny but up until this started I was always against medication, but now I think I just wouldn’t be able to function without it, but I really don’t want to increase my dosage as I do live in hope I will come off it one day!
klm1213 alice1209
I totally get that. I am feeling very antisocial and distant from friends. So tired but "wired" at the same time to due to a flush of hormones/anxiety/palpitations etc.. I would give anything to feel "normal" again
angela33631 alice1209
alice1209 angela33631
I haven’t but it has crossed my mind, are those symptoms of thyroid problems?
angela33631 alice1209
When my symptoms got to their worst the shaking inside and the pulse in my throat resulted in being my thyroid meds needing adjusting. Mention to your gp as symptoms are same
alice1209 angela33631
Did you also get palpitations, I feel I am getting those all the time to, although it may just me being g so anxious that’s giving me palpitations..😩.
I’m at my doctors tomorrow I’ll discuss it with him, thank you!!
angela33631 alice1209