One day Period with my 2 breast still paining me
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I have experience almost 60 peri meno symptoms with series of tests done all normal... I have tried to manage each symptoms that came...still going thru some now but bearable. i will be 40 in 2 months time. For Sometime now, I have irregular periods that comes every month but different in dates but must come and last 5-8 days. But this month 1st time it came only one day light & very scanty... and stop. My 2 breast still pains me. Still having period sign. Am I the only one?
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Lillioui mercy21172
No I'm older ( 51) but the same thing happened to me then I started to bleed very lightly without knowing if it was period or not and it's been lasting for 3 weeks !
lelawreck mercy21172
Lillioui mercy21172
My breast sometimes pains me one whole month , some other time it does not pain me at all even when I'm having my period. You should not worry about breast pain it's very common.
mercy21172 Lillioui
Lillioui mercy21172
Well I how much it's awful to feel you're the only one to suffer from one thing.
I'm experiencing the same with my periods at the moment.
Struggling50 mercy21172
I have breast pain too. My breasts ache just like when I was going through puberty. It is a puberty feeling not a before my period feeling. I get stabbing pains in my breasts and nipples.
My sister says perimenopause and menopause is puberty in reverse.
You are not alone. Take care.
mercy21172 Struggling50