One minute you feel good the next you dont
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Do any body mess going through perimenpause. Do anybody have skipping heartbeats, restless nite, losting weight for no reason, dose anybody burning feeling on any part of their body. Dose anybody feel sick do to perimenpause, does anybody have a ring sound in their ears that's hide in come. Dose anybody crave all the time for sweet
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Eliaimee1970 kim93615
LauraC25 kim93615
Yes. I get all of these symptoms and a whole list of more! Lately the craving for sweets has been bad, especially at night. The only thing that I don’t have, is losing weight. The ringing in my ears drives me crazy and I am constantly yawning to keep my ears open. I have a very hard time sleeping at night because that is when my anxiety spikes. The heart palpitations can be very scary, but those are just anxiety, so I have to talk myself down or take a Rescue Remedy gummy, and that usually helps. My body aches and I get headaches. I get burning sensations in my ovaries and my breasts. Everything is so uncomfortable, but hang in there because you are not alone. We’re all in this together. I hope you get to feeling better!
Struggling50 kim93615
Yes, to everything you listed and many other symptoms too.
It is just miserable.
I get the burning sensation in my legs and it seems to be hot flashes.
I have the ringing in my ears and a thumping noise in my right ear whenever I swallow. It's not a popping sound like when you have a head cold or when you are in an airplane. It is a thumping noise like someone is thumping on my ear drum.
My symptoms come and go and sometimes they are severe and others times they are mild.
I just want them to go away.
I'm sorry you are feeling unwell.
I hope you feel better soon.
Bellaboo1 kim93615
maria76995 kim93615
Hi, Kim yes same here, I get that ring in my ears everthing you say here, Anixety is at night my Dr gavel tabs to help sleep..why can't this all end at peri
kris813 kim93615
Yes, all the time. it all started f or me last march with a few skipped beats of my heart to a major depression by June. June was when I had my first skipped P since I was a teen. Its been down hill from there. high blood pressure started, panic, anxiety , fear, sadness and constant palpitations, skips etc.. I'm currently on a beta blocker and it helps. Had a full work up with Dr. who said yes yo have skips etc but all considered normal. I'm with a new Dr. and I'm not stopping till someone gives me an answer. I understand the feelings of being ok one minute then feeling horrible the next. My moods are up and down some days by the hour. yes, I have suffered with panic and anxiety all my life but it was totally under control with medication , I'm started to give up! I see my gyno till April and i will be for hormonal testing ...